Tuesday, February 18, 2025

D6x6 Phantoms of the Opera

Phantom of the Opera 1925 full movie youtube here:

Click the button below to get your phantom:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here: http://meanderingbanter.blogspot.com/2018/10/automatic-list-to-html-translator-v2.html

D6 This phantom of the opera hides their face with
1 a beaten-gold death mask.
2 the peeled-off, animated faceplate of a Chinese customer service robot.
3 a ratty old sports team mascot head.
4 a yellowed and peeling WWI-era facial prosthetic.
5 a hood of embroidered sackcloth.
6 a gaudishly-painted Venetian carnival mask.
D6 This phantom of the opera hides their face because
1 they murdered their identical twin, and so the sight of their own face fills them with unbearable guilt.
2 of a small scar which they've blown up in narcissistic imaginaning into a terrible deformity.
3 they are wanted by the police for the heinous crimes they committed in a previous life.
4 they feel as though their mask has become their true identity.
5 they are the scion of a distinctively-inbred noble lineage.
6 like wearing a napkin while eating ortolan, they think it hides their sins and pleasures from God.
D6 This phantom is able to remain a phantom in their opera-house
1 because they were trained in the shinobi arts by an exile from Japan.
2 because they're half-ghost - the product of mystical necrophilia.
3 with bribes and intimidation from their criminal empire.
4 because they are a master of disguise and impersonation, and maintain a stable of different identities.
5 because an encounter with an ultraterrestrial being unhinged their mind and unhinged their body from the conventional three spatial dimensions.
6 with their memory-editing psychic powers - powers fueled by the extract of a species of white rafflesia they grow in a secret solarium in their opera-house.
D6 This phantom of the opera lurks
1 in the Sydney Opera House, and the littoral caves beneath it, carved out by wretched immortals symbiotized by a species of anemone of the bleaching Great Barrier Reef - half-living relics of two thousand years and two dozen peoples.
2 in the Zürich Opera House, and the secret Nazi bank vaults hidden beneath it.
3 in the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, and the network of bootlegger tunnels honeycombing its foundations.
4 in the Mikhailovsky Theatre, and the secret dungeon of the Okhrana which stretches from its basement.
5 in the London Coliseum, and the glittering crystal halls in the enormous geode beneath it, created by an angel-summoning experiment of John Dee.
6 in the Teatro di San Carlo, and the nuclear bunker buried deep down underneath it, created for the Operation Gladio successor government set up in case the Cold War went nuclear.
D6 This phantom of the opera is obsessed
1 with organizing a performance of Faust from its original, occult script - which will actually summon a demon.
2 with grooming ingenues into hollowing their egos to become oracles for the powers of the underworld, then selling them off to various nefarious sorcerous circles.
3 with finding a worthy successor by entangling people into grueling, often fatal tournaments against each other.
4 with using harmonics as the key to transforming human consciousness - leaving a string of broken minds in the process.
5 with plunging the country into anarchy by blowing up the opera-house when a critical mass of national leaders attend a sublime performance.
6 with achieving a pharaonic burial - making their opera-house into their magnificent tomb, furnished with many sacrifices to be their slaves in the hereafter.
D6 This phantom of the opera kills
1 with the toxic scents of poisoned perfumes.
2 with a garrotte made from a taxidermied fox tail with a metal wire strung through its vertebrae.
3 with a hammer - a stone hammer, with its head torn from the arch of a doorway of the phantom's beloved opera house.
4 with a saber which once belonged to a heroic ancestor of theirs.
5 with a homemade silenced pistol, which fires pearls as bullets.
6 a single long finger-nail lacquered with layers of iron.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever actually seen Phantom, or maybe I did once as a kid (?), but when I was younger I was always really fascinated with the idea of it. It was probably mostly the costume.
