Thursday, July 11, 2024

D6x6 Sexy Space Women Aliens

Like asari or twileks.

Click the button below to get your sexy space women aliens:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6These aliens resemble sexy space women because
1they are an artificial caste created to better interact with humanity - similar variants exist for interactions with other species.
2of a proto-human psychic so powerful and horny their libido reshaped these aliens' ancestors from across the cosmos.
3they hybridized themselves with human DNA to immunize themselves against a plague that was tearing through their population due to their reproduction by parthenogenesis.
4Amelia Earhart flew through a wormhole and crashed on their home planet, where her knowledge and her plane kickstarted their scientific/industrial revolution. They phenotypically re-engineered themselves to honour her, who they worship as a goddess.
5of pareidolia - the longer you look, the less your brain convinces itself of the resemblance.
6of an evolutionary fluke so unlikely to have occured naturally that it's inspired dozens of new and popular religions.
D6A difference in the appearance of Earth women and these sexy space women aliens is
1that they've got translucent flesh which reveals a decidely inhuman skeletal structure.
2that they're hexapods, and freely switch between centaur-like and bipedal four-armed stances.
3that they've got a quivering mass of cilia and chromatophores instead of a face.
4that they're about twice as large, with proportionate square-cube law thickness.
5that their humanoid section is made up of wet and purplish organs everted from within their echinodermoid mesoskeleton.
6that they've got visible seams from where the colonial sub-organisms that compose them are joined.
D6Among other aliens (whose women these sexy space aliens do not resemble) they have a reputation
1as expert pilots, shrewd traders, and vicious pirates.
2as spymasters and under-handed diplomats.
3as explorers, prospectors, and nomads.
4for being drug traffickers and party monsters.
5for scientific innovation and expensive yet quality manufacturing.
6for ideological dogmatism, paranoia, and unpredictability.
D6These sexy space women aliens tend to view the Earth-practice of Earth-smooching
1as like a dog trying to hump you, when the dog should know better.
2as confusing yet amusing.
3as something that should only be done within the bounds of sacred marriage.
4as a disturbing misuse of a combined digestive-respiratory orifice.
5as an unusual thing to do outside of mating season.
6as a novelty which quickly loses its appeal.
D6Lusty spacers far from home and significant others say that these sexy space women aliens
1are tricksy bastards looking to lay eggs in your brain.
2are all members of the harem of the galactic emperor, and sleeping with them risks the emperor's terrible wrath.
3use holograms to disguise their true form, which would drive you mad if you saw it (with pleasure, horror, or both, depending on the teller).
4were the inspiration for mermaids and other sorts of mythical feminine beings.
5are nice to have a fling with, but difficult to have a long-term relationship with due to biological and cultural differences.
6are prudes, and that you'd be better off hooking up with a galmoxian, even if they do resemble rhinocerous-slugs - seriously, galmoxians are always down to clown.
D6The dominant polity among these sexy space women aliens
1is guided by a class of "librarians" cybernetically linked to a repository which aims to collect and synthesize all information in the universe.
2is a meritocratic yet volatile republic wherein members can rise or fall swiftly based on their achievements (or lack thereof).
3is theocratic, and premised on the idea of their unique grace among all species in the universe.
4is decentralized and deliberately experimental, with the results of successful societal experiments percolating across governmental regions.
5has been taken over by robots (who also kind of look like sexy space women) due to unforeseen emergent consequences of their programming. Organic citizens are taken care of, but have no real power.
6is ruled by an immortal queen.


  1. - of pareidolia - the longer you look, the less your brain convinces itself of the resemblance.

    I was going to comment something along these lines on the Patrick Stuart post about the evolution of mimicry. I had an idea for harpies where the "woman" part is actually an elaborate lure that has evolved to entice prey. One can imagine the steps in this process: sailors washed up on faraway shores probably need less convincing than those closer to home.

    Anyway, (as you know) this is a good list. I was pleased to hear what became of Amelia Earhart.

    1. I was going to comment on the Pareidolia thing too! I find pareidolia fascinating, but also I was not expecting to find that in this context lol but it works, it's a cool idea with a lot of legs (pun intended ;)).
