Tuesday, February 18, 2025

D6 Post-Humans of the Antarctican Future

Goldfish - the snack that smiles back - has experienced a tremendous drop in quality over my lifetime. Not as cheesy, not as salty as they once were, and I'm pretty sure this batch I'm eating now was made with coconut oil. Tastes coconuty.

Anyways, this is for this: https://itch.io/jam/antarctica-jam, or something like that, or for whatever else.

1. Paramoras (& Plastines)

Once pseudo-naturally pseudo-evolved, now fully domesticated, the paramora is a burrowing animal raised for its meat, but by far its most valuable product is its brain hormones. Paramoras are extreme pair-bonders (most of their time not eating or sleeping is spent hugging their mate) so much so that domesticated paramoras are incapable of raising their own children, being much too concerned with hugging. An extract made from their brain hormones will, in human-derivatives, induce overpowering feelings of love and connection, making it a popular drug.

Paramora-ranching is monopolized by the plastines, a cladoculture which developed as a response to the rampant microplastic poisoning of the Middle Anthropocene - through internal nano-alchemy they gradually replace their biological tissues with plastic analogues. No plastine is considered an adult until they receive their great photovoltaic "wings".

Besides poachers, the biggest threat to paramora ranches in Antarctica are the fungal-symbiotic sporeworms, which can easily catch the creatures in their burrows. Plastine ranchers equip themselves with soap-sprayers, which bind and suffocate the worms in an inescapable membrane, and line their fences with soap-spigots which drip a curtain of the same substance down into the soil.

2. War-Daughters

Creation of the zealots of the Eutheminist Sodality, who believed that no woman should die except by the hands of another woman. War-daughters kill by ejaculating a super-dense shard of bone impregnated with a neurotoxin. Too many such ejaculations tore the combined pelvic floor-diaphragmatic muscles which powered them, and so due to this and their general cumbersomeness the war-daughters never saw much use as battlefield weapons beyond the Sodality. They continue to be born as ceremonial weapons, however.

3. Skykind

Like the plastines - another child of the Middle Anthropocene, tackling the dual problems of Kessler Syndrome growing beyond the ability of laser-brooms to manage, and the collapse of inorganic production capacity. They had different names back then, but now they're skykind.

They are grown to be living components of communication/surveillance networks - getting signals & the lay of the land and transmitting these to each other through bioluminescent semaphore-winks and ultra-sonic whistling. The sound of this whistling - perceivable at the very edge of human hearing range - from an unfamiliar skykind is a sign to stay out of view of the open air.

Their numbers are few now, and few powers can put enough together to make a decent network of them. They weep sometimes, the skykind, and their glowing tears drift to earth, feather-like and jelly-soft. People say they weep for their loneliness, but this is mistaken.

The skykind weep for joy. To fly under their own power, to live that old dream of humanity, is an unspeakable joy.

4. Sporemen

A desperate solution for a desperate time, now despised by many others and adopted as an identity of fierce pride. Back in the day when the tubular and rot-stacked hives of the sporeworms stretched across the continent, some people modified themselves to live in uneasy symbiosis with the worms rather than face being devoured totally.

They allowed the worms' fungi to colonize their lower bodies, and added more legs so that they could still walk even when their legs were in some state of being eaten through, and shared in the bounty of the worms' carrion-middens.

When superior weapons were discovered and the sporeworms' territory pushed back, the sporemen were pushed back with it. This led to a lot of bad blood, and people still get violent over it all the time.

5. The Human Reefs

Sacculina is a genus of barnacles that lives as parasites on and in the bodies of crabs. The parasite drains the host's nutrients from its guts, destroys its genitalia, and alters its hormones, causing it to treat the Sacculina's offspring as its own.

At some point, by some means, this barnacle-parasite made the jump to humans, and in the process got even stranger. It lives in the human brain (the closest region in the human body to the hard-shelled, soft-innarded bodies of crabs) and lives off the ultraviolet superradiance produced by the nervous system, as well as energy from various other quantum effects in the same.

Infested humans congregate so that their resonance can produce even more energy, and root in place to maximize the amount of energy going to their parasite. Over time their bodies wither and harden into coral-like structures.

These "human reefs" can be tapped for power, but the process is risky - exposure to the reef's biophotonics can befuddle and enchant the mind, and make those so exposed seek out infestation by the parasite in order to join the reef. Travelers of the Antarctic steppe would be well-advised to give a wide berth to the purplish "devil-lights" of the human reefs.

6. Deeplings

On a long enough timescale, something will go wrong. That's like, Murphy's Law or something. These guys' ancestors thought it would be fucked up if something went wrong and everyone died, like from a meteor or gamma ray burst or something. It would be better if somebody survived, and if that somebody was them, and if they kept the art and science of humanity preserved along with them.

Their name for themselves means something like "Preservers". They figured the best place to do this preserving was at the bottom of the ocean, so they made themselves into something that could survive there.

They can be pretty agreeable so long as you don't have something they want. If you've been delving into ancient ruins and got some lost hyper-tech or the Mona Lisa, you've got something they want. They'll offer a good price to take it off your hands, but if you refuse they will try quite hard to kill you for it. They've got spies and agents of lots of clades in lots of places, promised the final reward of psychic uploading to a paradise-simulation in their underwater halls for their service.

In the water they breath through their butts, didn't know how to work that into the picture. It's called anal respiration and the Japanese figured out that mammals could do it.

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