Friday, September 1, 2023

D6x6 Epic Epimeliads

Epimeliads are dryads who are protectors of sheep and goats - perhaps apples as well, or instead, ancient Greek can be ambiguous like that - or so I've heard.

Click the button below to generate your epimeliad:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This epimeliad has
1a truly tremendous, cloud-like afro.
2yellow eyes with hourglass pupils.
3a long white skirt - a whole flock's worth of prancing hooves can be glimpsed beneath when she lifts it.
4a reverberating voice and footsteps that sound like bells.
5a crown of curling ram's horns, so huge her neck should snap under their weight, yet she bears them effortlessly.
6an ewe's head, yet a human body.
D6This epimeliad can
1cause hair to grow and thicken into a woolly morass.
2sing songs that draw livestock to her over great distances.
3cure or inflict murrains.
4headbutt enemies with great force.
5lull others into sleep, or sleep-like hypnotic trances.
6see through the eyes and hear through the ears of her flock.
D6This epimeliad's flock
1is composed of lanky, mountainous sorts, able to leap impressibe lengths.
2bears fleeces of a shimmering golden hue, so bright as to be blinding in direct sunlight.
3have wool that traps air pockets, allowing them to float stuck together like velcro into a big fluffy raft.
4is too fluffy to even walk, and must roll bouncingly about.
5are ornery and heavy-horned, keen to butt each other and anything they come across.
6are true innocents in the eyes of the cosmos - to harm them is to be cursed, yet they can be sacrificed for potent dark magic.
D6This epimeliad punishes those who threaten her flock
1by transforming them into a wolf and sending them home to prey on their friends and family.
2by transforming them into sheep.
3by skinning them and tanning their hides.
4by sewing their eyes and mouth shut.
5by planting an apple seed in their eye that grows into a gory little bonsai, bearing fruit that contains the best parts of their brains while they're left weighed-down and addled.
6by trampling them til all their bones are broken.
D6This epimeliad is
1the spirit of a maiden slain and buried beneath a pasture to be its guardian.
2an egregore born from the collective consciousness of her flock.
3a princess sired by the King of Beasts.
4an archetypal eidolon, a fragment of the Platonic Shepherd incarnate.
5a sheep that attained the power to assume a humanoid form after accumulating merit for a hundred years.
6the child of a deity who was cursed by a rival to lust after a sheep.
D6This epimeliad wants
1to fulfill the last wish of a kindly dying shepherd.
2a sister of hers, a lost lamb, to be found and returned to the fold.
3the ersatz argonauts after her flock to be discouraged from their quest.
4the wyvern stalking her to be hunted down.
5to acquire the services of a master taxidermist to preserve her favourite charge.
6someone to fetch her the legendary Shears of the Crescendo Moon.

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