Saturday, September 2, 2023

D6x6 Motley Martians

Click the button below to generate your very own Martians:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6These Martians look
1like bug-eyed humanoids the colours of necrotic flesh, whose torsos terminate just below the ribcage into many pairs of waving boneless arms.
2much like people do, only they're eight feet tall, daintily skinny, got ruby-red skin, and skulls elongated into shapes like fallen-over question marks.
3like branching worms with hard armoured segments, each branch ending in a ring of eyes and many-jointed claws.
4like green inhuman corn-husk dolls tied together from diaphonous tissues.
5like terror birds with crookclawed arms instead of wings, big compound eyes, and dusty spines instead of feathers.
6like lip-mouthed octopus-heads on six-armed spider monkey-bodies.
D6These Martians arrive
1as desperate yet chauvinistic refugees in a ragtag star-fleet.
2as a testing vanguard - their success or failure will determine whether a much larger invasion will follow.
3by accident, after activating some space-warping machine older than their civilization.
4as confused would-be conquistadors - they assumed human technology was much less advanced based on outdated scans.
5in interplanetary artillery shells, only a fraction surviving the impact - they are convicts offered Earth as an alternative to execution back on Mars.
6in collusion with a terrestrial government that sold humanity out in exchange for special privileges.
D6The Mars these Martians came from
1is a dying world of drying canals and ancient monsters thawing from old ice.
2was once lush, but became infected by the same planet-phage that long ago destroyed Phaeton after incautious Martian research.
3has a barren surface, with life surviving only in the vast network of sealed and pressurized tunnels below its surface - the life support of these failing with the loss of knowledge and resources over generations.
4is dominated by a hydraulic despot empire that controls the moisture condensing technology that enables its continued inhabitability.
5was once green like Earth, but a mutant blight rendered all its vegetation red as well as some combination of carnivorous, poisonous, and sickly.
6is a divine realm of rusted arsenal-mountains and endless bloodshed.
D6These Martians' vehicles
1are battle-mechs built to resemble the most threatening fauna of Martian biomes.
2are whirligig-airships that surround themselves with micro-cyclones.
3crawl like spiders across forcefield-webs they project onto battlefields.
4move around by hopping, and are built for the lighter Martian gravity, suffering constant break-downs under the strain of Earth's gravity.
5are a caste of their own species, grown to huge sizes and fitted with cybernetics so they can be controlled and hold crews.
6are gigantic shovel-lined wheels that scoop up ores and metals then forge them interally into swarms of drones.
D6These Martians might wield
1explosive canisters of flesh-melting gas.
2nervewrack-rays that project beams of the purest agony.
3weapons like tasers, except instead of sending electricity down their wires, they rapidly drain their victims of blood - converting it into a delicious and nutritious energy drink in the process.
4drill-tipped whips able to autonomously seek out targets and pass through walls, armour, and other barriers all but unimpeded.
5synaesthetic destructors which can convert beams of sunlight into channels of annihilating noise, or strong scents into flensing rasps, or whatever else.
6guns that fire bubbles, which can unleash a variety of horrible effects when they pop.
D6These Martians might be defeated
1by splashing them with bleach - it causes a chain reaction in their alien biology that leads to them melting into vanilla-scented sludge.
2by manipulating their insatiable lust for human pussy.
3with the music of the late, great Jimmy Buffett, the harmonic resonance of which effectively lobotomizes them.
4by bribing them with gold, which is a thousand times more valuable on Mars than it is on Earth.
5by credibly threatening to crash Phobos and/or Deimos into Mars.
6only through long and grueling years of asymmetric warfare.