Monday, December 25, 2023

D6x6 Killer Chimeras

Click the button below to generate your chimera:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This chimera's front section
1is a stag beetle.
2is a lion.
3is a bear.
4is an eagle.
5is a wolf.
6is a tiger.
D6This chimera's middle section
1is a gazelle.
2is a goat.
3is a boar.
4is a rhino.
5is a bull.
6is a camel.
D6This chimera's rear section
1is an ankylosaur.
2is a dragon.
3is a shark.
4is a hippo.
5is a centipede.
6is a scorpion.
D6This chimera can
1breathe fire.
2exhale petrifying gas.
3vomit gouts of acid.
4stab out and grab with its extremely long tongue.
5drive people mad with its shriek.
6snort deafeningly loud.
D6This chimera is
1the magnum opus of a biomancer.
2the creation of a guild of alchemists, made as a source of exotic catalysts.
3a killer abomination created by a circle of druids.
4a natural birth, though a monstrous mutation.
5the living mascot of a fallen empire.
6the agent of a god, scaring people to the skirts of faith.
D6This chimera's weakness
1is maidens, to whom it is gentle and playful as a puppy.
2is being attacked down one of its throats - they're unarmoured, and it would deal a mortal wound.
3is nights of the full moon, during which it enters an unwakeable slumber.
4is the music of pan-flutes, which induces terrible fear in it.
5is wine - it's a lush, and gets drunk very easily.
6is honey, which burns it like acid.

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