Wednesday, December 13, 2023

D6x6 Notable Nothics

This post is dedicated to friend of the blog Nothic's Eye.

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6 This nothic's eye 
1 appears to be a many-faceted blue-and-black gemstone - on closer inspection it's clear that it's simply got so many irises and pupils crowded together that they've been compressed together into geodesic shape.
2 is much too big for its socket, split like a half-crushed grape and perpetually leaking vitreous fluid.
3 can extend some distance from its face on a slimy stalk of raw nerves and muscle.
4 is infested with an iridescent cataract which bears visions of impossible worlds within its miniscule whorls.
5 has been pierced acupuncture-like with the splinter-thin shards of mirrors.
6 bears a flaming iris of an as-yet-unknown colour and a pupil which is a bottomless hole.

D6 This nothic's gaze
1 twists along angles that'd make you sick to see, allowing it to peer around corners and into hearts and pockets.
2 inflicts a pernicious nausea - void your stomach, and its spilled contents will reanimate into a sloppy, stinking ooze.
3 temporarily animates parts of your skeleton while still within your body, tearing you apart from the inside.
4 sees a short while into the future, and may superimpose over and make actual and current the damaged, degraded versions of things they perceive.
5 bores many trypophobia-inducing pupil-holes in whatever they stare at.
6 infests those who meet it with parasitic worms, hatching into their vitreous fluid.

D6 This nothic was 
1 a diviner who looked beyond the limits of the comprehensible universe, where something crawled in through their vision like a burglar through a broken window and took up malforming residence in their soul.
2 an ambitious adventurer who replaced one of their own ocular orbs with a magical glass eye found in an ancient ruin, which became terribly cursed when certain forgotten conditions weren't met.
3 a practitioner of the evil eye whose many inflictions of malign sight were reflected back at them, mutilating their body and mind.
4 just a poor bystander who witnessed an angel's fall from heaven.
5 an antiquarian who perused an old, evil book written by a long-dead wizard - a book which recorded the wizard in such detail that any who read it would be turned into a replica of that wizard, only time and mold degraded the fidelity of the replication.
6 a skeptic who tricked the gods into believing he held an object beyond their omniscience, and was cursed when the deception was discovered.

D6 This nothic is 
1 a spymaster who spares no thought to the political utility of the secrets it collects, only that someone tried to conceal them from it.
2 an assassin motivated by a complex, likely maddened parapolitical ideology.
3 worshiped by a gnostic cult, who put out one of their own eyes in homage.
4 a dark oracle who dispenses cruel truths and manipulative partial revelations.
5 the head of a criminal organization who takes voyeuristic pleasure from the depravity of its mooks.
6 a jealous dealer in occult goods and knowledge, a middle-man of the maleficars' underworld.

D6 This nothic lairs 
1 in the central tower of a panopticon, its immaculate nest armed with a field gun which can be swiveled to fire on any of the place's cells.
2 in the moth-clouded basement of a great library, among stacks of discarded and unredacted tomes.
3 in a lighthouse - its lamp made into an observatory-lens, its former crew made into macabre, sigil-scrim'd decorations.
4 in the luxuriously-appointed attic of a manor belonging to a nobleman the nothic drove mad.
5 among the charred ruins of a glassmaker's workshop, the furnace and tools reworked into unseemly implements.
6 at the bottom of a sinkhole carved with coiling stairs, around a perfectly-still pool of water within.

D6 This nothic seeks
1 a fallen star with fortune-warping power - the area surrounding its impact-crater rife with the unlikeliest coincidences.
2 to kidnap a religious authority who can absolve it of its many sins.
3 to put together a heist to steal a legendary work of art from the vault of a rich and paranoid collector.
4 the means to hollow the soul from a human body, and thereby create the perfect puppet to go about unnoticed in society.
5 the secrets of undeath, to extend its terrible existence.
6 the utter humiliation and ruin of a rival, to leave them alive and wretched among the wreckage of their legacy.

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