Thursday, July 25, 2024

Old World Muse

Legojam? No, this is the year of the travelogue:

In Valencia

Soft and slow, we are flowing back, like sand, like time, back to the beginning. I am the first, reborn of the red soil, my vision filled with the blue ghost of an ancient ocean. Come with us down into the red dust and rise again, transformed.

There are red cliffs here. We've got red cliffs in Ontario too - much better, much stronger red cliffs, because ours are red granite while the ones here are red soil.
Everything in Spain is sooo slow. They expended their civilizational energy centuries ago expelling the Umayyads. There are ruins everywhere you look. Substance, fading substance, solidified past. I have heard that Toronto has the most construction cranes in operation of any city in North America... a vapourous future. They are building shit, falling-apart shit, for stupid & meaningless dreams - fancies, unworthy of the title of dream.

Lots of plazas in Valencia, big walkable spaces, big public parks - zero crackheads, aggressive schizophrenics, etc. Spain's GDP is like a third of Canada's, and while GDP is fake, come on, there's literally no trade-off, one way is just plain superior. Although, I have heard that those types converge on Barcelona. They live in the hills, so I've heard. Dirty, dirty Barcelona. Full of dust, and thieves.

Looksmatch here is but a whisper from across the sea. I assumed this was a Slavic phenomenon. It is Mediterranean too. Perhaps related to low cost of living. Many more children here, young couples with children.

Seems it's the fashion now to include snail in Valencian paella, which traditionally has chicken and rabbit. The snail adds nothing, and in fact I received an unpleasant surprise biting into a shard of shell that had broken off into the rice. Who is this meant to appeal to? Is there a glut of tourism from fucking ground beetles?
The gay community seems to be thriving in Valencia. Saw little to no corporate pride stuff, and yet many posters for monster drag shows & suchlike... perhaps because the Valencian accent sounds gay... they lisp, you see, they pronounce their s's as th's. La raza cosmica pronounces and will pronounce s's properly...

Witnessed nuns like a flock of birds - magpies, or penguins - being shephered by a fat priest. He was Catholic, but even so a priest shouldn't be fat. Sets a bad example. Glad I didn't end up paying to go into some tourist-catering cathedral. Cathedrals are Disneyland. All your favourite Bible characters, big and gilded! Wowza! The outward ceremony is anti-Christ.

Anime is everywhere, on the train TV. It's in stores, on shirts, in graffiti - I witnessed two women with Sailor Moon hair. Japanese soft power.

Piña colada, pinya they say, nya like a Japanese cat. Miaw, in ancient Egypt. The Habiru, the Celts, Semitic outflow from Egypt... ancient people, ancient wisdom...

Terroir is not just for wine. There are energies in the air, the water, the earth, that shape and are shaped by the people who live there. Viktor Schauberger knew this. Ray Peat.
In Scotland

When an animal looks up at the night sky, what does it see? Thousands and thousands of tiny points. Then a man looks up at the same points and sees millions of stars; galaxies, within which are billions of planets. Do you want to know what I see? Were you there when I created the stars?

Landed in Manchester - scanner pods! Dehumanization, worse than the GERMANS. Airports are an excuse for the globalist deep state to treat citizens the way they wish they could treat us everywhere.

Outside the airport Manchester is nicer than I have heard. Nice suburbs, trees and bushes and bricks and old churches and old factories. The people sound like mealy-mouthed toddlers.
The UK has a gnarling energy, something is off, physically, aesthetically, about the people here. There is no summer. It is 17 degrees. Perhaps it is this. Everyone has it, the natives, the immigrants. The country is wrong. Perhaps it's the rebuilt Stonehenge. Stonehenge is fake. Halloween 3 is about this.

San Miguel is only 5% here, as opposed to 5.4% in Spain - probably tax-related - unforgivable. I much prefer trains to planes these days, yet at the same time people have become too jaded to planes - for hundreds of thousands of years it has been a human dream to fly - perhaps because of the humiliation ritual of airport security theater.

Walter Scott quotes in Edinburgh train station - very cynical man - if it were Canada it would be group of seven paintings... sick of the group of seven! Has there been no high art in Canada in a century?! There was a church that burned down a little while ago - a group of seven mural inside. That church was a martyr, a suicide incendiary taking the mediocre cruft of stuck culture down with it.
I have no nostalgia walking through the places I've been. The past is dead to me and I am dead to the present. It's a ghost-feeling.

Lots of rain. Much too big slugs and snails. To pay for a washroom? What is this, Nazi Germany? Warhammer could have only come out of the UK. Spain could never invent wargaming, because it is too nice, the people too healthy physically & mentally.

Big beer bottles - affordable & quality whisky... will I take back what I said about San Miguel here? Perhaps halfway. Exorbitant vice taxes are a WASP sickness inflicted on right-thinking and right-drinking people.

British cuisine is unfairly maligned - can't get good fish & chips outside the UK, and meat pies are lovely - british comedy isn't maligned enough.

The Tesco Spanish tortilla is very bad, one of the worst things I have eaten that wasn't rotten or moldering. People say about this and that: "it's like eating cardboard". I have heard this said about Domino's pizza. People who say this are wrong, except when I say it about the Tesco Spanish tortilla - it's also quite like eating styrofoam. The Lidl Spanish tortilla is okay, much better by comparison.

The Future..?

Nothing exists in the space between gears. A mind cannot outrace a machine. A mind cannot outrace a machine. Nothing exists in the space between gears.

Can dreams lie? Most definitely. Can cities lie? Not well, and not easily. But what of a city in a dream? Boston calls to me, like the waves of a risen tide. A poor memory works only backwards. I am in Boston, and its streets are swept with tephra. I am in Boston, and gorge rises in my throat as I stumble away from the sea. Tasmanian devils chase me through space and time. I am going to Boston and I am leaving Boston. The wakened Boston is a discarded chrysalis and a thousand diaphonous wasps have eaten its transmogrifying corpse and hatched into sleep. They are coming home.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

D6x6 Sexy Space Women Aliens

Like asari or twileks.

Click the button below to get your sexy space women aliens:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6These aliens resemble sexy space women because
1they are an artificial caste created to better interact with humanity - similar variants exist for interactions with other species.
2of a proto-human psychic so powerful and horny their libido reshaped these aliens' ancestors from across the cosmos.
3they hybridized themselves with human DNA to immunize themselves against a plague that was tearing through their population due to their reproduction by parthenogenesis.
4Amelia Earhart flew through a wormhole and crashed on their home planet, where her knowledge and her plane kickstarted their scientific/industrial revolution. They phenotypically re-engineered themselves to honour her, who they worship as a goddess.
5of pareidolia - the longer you look, the less your brain convinces itself of the resemblance.
6of an evolutionary fluke so unlikely to have occured naturally that it's inspired dozens of new and popular religions.
D6A difference in the appearance of Earth women and these sexy space women aliens is
1that they've got translucent flesh which reveals a decidely inhuman skeletal structure.
2that they're hexapods, and freely switch between centaur-like and bipedal four-armed stances.
3that they've got a quivering mass of cilia and chromatophores instead of a face.
4that they're about twice as large, with proportionate square-cube law thickness.
5that their humanoid section is made up of wet and purplish organs everted from within their echinodermoid mesoskeleton.
6that they've got visible seams from where the colonial sub-organisms that compose them are joined.
D6Among other aliens (whose women these sexy space aliens do not resemble) they have a reputation
1as expert pilots, shrewd traders, and vicious pirates.
2as spymasters and under-handed diplomats.
3as explorers, prospectors, and nomads.
4for being drug traffickers and party monsters.
5for scientific innovation and expensive yet quality manufacturing.
6for ideological dogmatism, paranoia, and unpredictability.
D6These sexy space women aliens tend to view the Earth-practice of Earth-smooching
1as like a dog trying to hump you, when the dog should know better.
2as confusing yet amusing.
3as something that should only be done within the bounds of sacred marriage.
4as a disturbing misuse of a combined digestive-respiratory orifice.
5as an unusual thing to do outside of mating season.
6as a novelty which quickly loses its appeal.
D6Lusty spacers far from home and significant others say that these sexy space women aliens
1are tricksy bastards looking to lay eggs in your brain.
2are all members of the harem of the galactic emperor, and sleeping with them risks the emperor's terrible wrath.
3use holograms to disguise their true form, which would drive you mad if you saw it (with pleasure, horror, or both, depending on the teller).
4were the inspiration for mermaids and other sorts of mythical feminine beings.
5are nice to have a fling with, but difficult to have a long-term relationship with due to biological and cultural differences.
6are prudes, and that you'd be better off hooking up with a galmoxian, even if they do resemble rhinocerous-slugs - seriously, galmoxians are always down to clown.
D6The dominant polity among these sexy space women aliens
1is guided by a class of "librarians" cybernetically linked to a repository which aims to collect and synthesize all information in the universe.
2is a meritocratic yet volatile republic wherein members can rise or fall swiftly based on their achievements (or lack thereof).
3is theocratic, and premised on the idea of their unique grace among all species in the universe.
4is decentralized and deliberately experimental, with the results of successful societal experiments percolating across governmental regions.
5has been taken over by robots (who also kind of look like sexy space women) due to unforeseen emergent consequences of their programming. Organic citizens are taken care of, but have no real power.
6is ruled by an immortal queen.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

D100+ Fragrant Flowers

Click the button below to get your flower:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

Saturday, July 6, 2024

D6x6 Pungent Porcs

For the generation of pig-orcs.

Previous orc content here & here & here.

Click the button below to get your porcs:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6These porcs look like humanoid
1bristly wild boars.
2domestic pigs, fat and pink and squealing.
3warthogs, with their weird knobby skulls, and warts.
4red river hogs, strikingly coloured & tufted.
5entelodonts, the hideous hell-pigs of prehistory.
6babirusas, hairless with long tusks that sometimes grow all the way back into their heads.
D6These porcs are generally thought of as belligerent
1because in ancient days they had a grand civilization that challenged the gods - for their hubris they were cursed so that if they ever gathered in sufficient numbers to rebuild their civilization they would be possessed by the sound of war-drums and be driven to aimless conquest and pillage.
2because once a year their men enter a terrible frenzy, gathering into bachelor-bands to violently compete among themselves and drive others from their territory. Women and castrated men remain peaceable, and sometimes fall prey to indiscriminate retribution.
3because their economy is based on taking slaves and spoils and redistributing them to reinforce social bonds and debts.
4because their society is quite insular and xenophobic, so the interactions most people have with them are with gangs of bandit-exiles, or with watchmen telling them to fuck off.
5because they're instinctually driven to tussle themselves and those around them into a rigid dominance hierarchy - though on the other hand they lack the human instincts for revenge and spite.
6because there's been a war on with them for so long that few remember a time before.
D6These porcs are known to inhabit
1the wooded foothills of mountains, where goodly folk fear to tread unless to render tribute to the monstrous lords of their peaks.
2the savannah and steppe, riding burly and ornery elephant birds.
3uncharted lagoons and isles on the coast, going upriver in flat-bottomed barges.
4villages built around public wallow-pits, in a similar way to how human villages might be built around a bathhouse.
5megalithic ritual sites older than agriculture, gathering seasonally to drink beer, feast, marry, and worship.
6ziggurats with slanted levels, the zig-zagging ways up them confusing to outsiders.
D6These porcs practice
1self-scarification, encoding their names, relations, achievements, and so on on their hides, so that their stories will not be forgotten with their deaths.
2marriage of the spouses of and adoption of the children of those they honourably slay.
3an art of squealing-song which is grating to most others yet oddly beautiful to those of discriminating taste.
4some of the most advanced dentistry in the world.
5adiposarchy, rule by the fattest - as a correlate for wealth, a de facto oligarchy.
6ocular sacrifice - their eyesight isn't very good anyways, and its loss is more than compensated for by their senses of smell and hearing.
D6These porcs like to fight
1with hollow-tipped spears stuffed with noxious and poisonous mixtures.
2with their war-bats flapping about, biting enemies and shitting in their eyes.
3with charges and shield-walls which leverage their mass to batter and compress enemy formations.
4with great iron-shod clubs.
5from atop something between a chariot and a palanquin, carried by their fellows, if they are of sufficient status.
6with an axe-edged buckler in one hand that can chop weapon-hafts and flesh as well as parry.
D6These porcs believe
1that they are the only people in the world who came into existence outside the divine plan, and so are the only people who are truly free of fate.
2that humans cruelly split their children's trotters at birth to make toes.
3that pigs are the reincarnations of porcs who were foolish in life.
4that the sun hates them, and so avoid it when possible and wear wide hats when not possible.
5that a bald head is lucky, and so sometimes collect bald heads if they don't have one themself.
6that showing one's tail around strangers and acquaintances is shameful.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

D6x6 Putrid Pandemics

Not zombies or memetic or whatever... just normal.

Click the button below to get your pandemic:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This pandemic's origin
1was a zoonotic transfer.
2was a military bioweapons project.
3was a sample retrieved from Mars.
4was a synthetic meat start-up.
5was a biotech corporation's pet A.I. that'd been let off the leash.
6was an intellectual dark web cult.
D6This pandemic is
1viral in nature.
2bacterial in nature.
3fungal in nature.
4amoebaic in nature.
5parasitic in nature.
6prionic in nature.
D6This pandemic's symptoms include
1muscle weakness, skin hardening, and ligament lengthening.
2blood clots, heart attacks, and ribcage inversions.
3skin separation, gaseous inflation, and autoimmune jellyfication.
4bone-spike growth and marrow explosions.
5vomiting, diarrhea, and necrosis of the digestive system from the inside-out.
6false memories, hallucinations, loss of impulse control, and neural degradation.
D6This pandemic was exacerbated
1by a faulty vaccine that made some pharmaceutical company executives and their government toadies a lot of money.
2by a senile American president bungling international coordination and goodwill.
3by climate refugees being packed into deprived conditions.
4by Mossad operatives unleashing it in false flag attacks.
5by proliferation of more contagious yet no less dangerous mutant strains.
6by a global economic crash that made it difficult to marshal the resources to contain and cure the pandemic.
D6This pandemic has
1a lame name, like protein-synchronous major replication error tendency septicity.
2a cool name, like the Black Plague.
3a name based off the scientist who discovered it, like Werhler's Syndrome or something.
4an acronym name, like V.O.I.D. or whatever.
5like a dozen different names because people couldn't agree on one.
6a dumb slang name that caught on, like Captain Trips.
D6Attempted solutions to this pandemic include
1firebombing infected population centers.
2mandatory gene modifications enforced by state violence and threat of bank account cancellation, many of which ended in deaths even more horrible than the pandemic could induce.
3deployments of navies to blow up disease-fleeing migrant fleets.
4using autonomous and self-replicating war-machines to create firebreaks between infected and uninfected zones.
5institution of surveillance regimes that make the Patriot Act look like a furby's voice recorder.
6dogs trained to sniff it out loosed en masse into the streets, to maul to death those who they smell it on.