Tuesday, September 24, 2024

D6x6 Yobbish Yithians

This post is dedicated to friend of the blog purplecthulhu, who came up with the idea.

Click the button below to get your Yithian:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here: http://meanderingbanter.blogspot.com/2018/10/automatic-list-to-html-translator-v2.html

D6 This Yithian is psychic time-projecting from
1 an ice-encrusted super-Earth drifting through the inter-galactic void after the collision of the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies 4.5 billion years from now, its gelid vaults boiled away to cool processing components for information flowing from and to other coordinates in space-time. Their host-body there resembles a raw smash burger covered in bubble wrap, with a mineral wedge and mantid claws in front.
2 the Earthly archipelago that would become the Philippines, where they inhabit a primatoid species resembling giant tarsiers, 50 million years into our past. This site is a sort of vacation spot where Yithian minds can decompress and meditate on what they've learned.
3 a satellite-library orbiting a black hole, used to store info-hazards, memetic viruses, and other such dangerous knowledge, ready to plunge below the event horizon in moments if there's ever a breach. Their host-body there is bulbous and spindly, like a jellyfish that's had its bell inflated and its tentacles replaced with spider legs, using carefully-sculpted vortices of gas and magnetic force as hands.
4 a pirate transceiver station embedded in slime-farms on the surface of Venus some 2 billion years ago, monitoring time travel, even among their own kind, and inserting falsified data to convince others that time is exactly as deterministic as this sect of Yithians want it to be.
5 an observatory buried deep beneath the Appalachian mountain range a mere thousand years ago. Their host-body there is a large, albino, lobe-faced troglobitic leech.
6 a dome-city among the blasted ruins of Teegarden's Star B, primarily a launching point for archeological excavations. Their host-body there sort of resembles an anomalocaris that walks on its facial tentacles.
D6 This Yithian is
1 a complete psycho freak by the standards of both humans and Yithians - they've projected their mind to a thousand battlefields seeking "true knowledge of combat" but they're not even particularly good at fighting because all their bodies are expendable. Their time-neighbours are happy to see them gone.
2 a jaded, workaday agent who just wants to get their mission over with as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
3 a big fan of the period they've been deployed too, and will have too much fun with the costumes and slang and suchlike.
4 Yithian by culture rather than by the species of their original body - born to parents (or parent, or swarm-merger, or whatever else) of latter host-bodies and uplifted into their ranks. They have a chip on their shoulder and a lot to prove.
5 secretly the servant of an outer god, and will subvert their mission at the last moment to rip a foothold for their master into reality.
6 a hapless fall guy sent out on a mission which is well beyond their capabilities, with the expectation that they will fuck it up.
D6 This Yithian's psychic time-host
1 is an opium-addicted veteran whose substance use and already-existing mental strain force the Yithian to take an indirect hand in controlling them, appearing in dreams and as a voice in their head.
2 is a drifter, able to go everywhere but not welcome for long anywhere.
3 is a young child and natural medium, who acted as a sink that drew the Yithian away from their intended host.
4 is a criminal of some infamy, with shady connections in many walks of life.
5 is a nebbish scholar who came to know a little too much - while the Yithian is here, the mind of their host is being interrogated and memory-wiped.
6 is a rich recluse.
D6 This Yithian's psychic time-mission
1 is to arrange a heist to steal an artifact that will be destroyed in an upcoming disaster, and replace it with a perfect replica.
2 is to orchestrate a catastrophe and the omens leading up to it (like Mothman).
3 is to infiltrate a vile cult and root out secrets that they've magico-technically shielded from remote investigation.
4 is to protect and guide a nascent genius who will at some point discover a key piece of lore for the Yithian collection.
5 is to track down a rogue Yithian agent, find out what they know, and eliminate them.
6 is to untangle a temporal anomaly - a time loop, a town where two split histories co-exist, a portal to a parallel world, or whatever else.
D6 An obstacle to this Yithian's time-mission
1 is a mystery crusader who goes about in a mask and cape, and is obsessed with researching and unveiling oddities.
2 is an abandoned mi-go brain cylinder, the occupant of which has gone terribly mad. Their phrenic reverberations have whipped up mobs into a witch-hunting frenzy.
3 is a langolier, which sniffed out the chronons left by the Yithian's transmission and followed their trail out of the devoured past.
4 is a secret society of former Yithian hosts who remember just enough of their time outside ordinary time to be dangerous, and have cottoned on to the Yithian's activities.
5 is an android wearing a disguise of living flesh, sent from a future of flickering possibility by an artificial intelligence to make its creation inevitable.
6 is themself, a nega-version of themself with opposed values, splintered off by a flaw in the time-projection procedure.
D6 Besides projecting their mind through time, this Yithian's psychic ability lets them
1 inflict paralyzing agony on a target within their line of sight.
2 wipe the short-term memories of a touched target.
3 create still and silent illusions.
4 command simple-minded animals.
5 detect the presence of nearby intelligent minds, and whether those minds are paying attention to or have hostile intent towards them.
6 flare out a beacon to soul-eating predators in the noospheric realm, a sort of localized mutually-assured destruction.


  1. Thank you for providing further evidence that the yithians are the best.

    1. Ya I was also always into the Yithians and these are awesome.
