Thursday, July 23, 2020

D6x6 Wily Will-o-Wisps

What’s the deal with wisp mothers in skyrim, I’m not gonna bother googling but if someone wants to explain in the comments that’d be tight

Generator automator found here:

D6This will-o-wisp looks like
1a tumbleweed made of barbed wire, sparking with electrical arcs.
2a disembodied hand clutching an incandescent orb.
3a glowing crescent laid on its side that flies like a bouncing boomerang.
4smoke drifting in an avian shape, lit from within by baleful green sparks.
5a bulbous infant’s head leaking phantasmal blue fire from its orifices.
6a rotten heart pumping a lambent corona around itself.
D6This will-o-wisp is
1a creation of fairies made to trick mortals for their entertainment.
2a mote of infernal essence left behind by the exorcism of a demon.
3a perfectly natural bioluminescent organism with a biochemistry that uses gas as a solvent instead of water.
4a diminished angel of a god of lost and forgotten things, which itself became overlooked and dwindled away.
5the soul of one rejected by every heaven and hell, left without a place to rest.
6a holographic projected avatar of an advanced yet extinct civilization’s malfunctioning navigation probe.
D6This will-o-wisp’s light
1hides potholes, pressure triggers, and similar hazards.
2makes everything within it appear aged by an untended century.
3dims any other light sources within it to uselessness.
4is a harbinger of misfortune. Anyone lit by it automatically fails any saves they have to make.
5can be concentrated by it into a blinding flare.
6is the only light by which certain occult texts can be read.
D6This will-o-wisp lurks
1in a bog where crocodiles lie with the fallen logs.
2in a gnarled thicket of pines where even wolves fear to tread.
3by the banks of a deceptively fast and deep river.
4by a hazy oasis.
5along the contours of a drowned esker.
6in the shadow of a great tor.
D6This will-o-wisp tries to lure people
1into the lair of a powerful monster nearby.
2astray from the safe path, or around in circles.
3off a precipice to a steep or otherwise deadly drop.
4to a cursed treasure.
5into an ambush.
6into a cave that will collapse behind them.
D6A rumour about this will-o-wisp is
1that if you bring it its favourite food it’ll lead you to something good instead of bad.
2that it serves a witch as a spy and trickster.
3that it can be bound by salt and silver into a magic lantern.
4that a certain order of wizards would pay dearly for its extracts.
5a secret society of mystic pilgrims use it in their initiation rites that few survive unmaimed.
6that if it leads someone to their death their soul will be enslaved by the will-o-wisp until it’s destroyed.

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