Tuesday, March 9, 2021

D6x6 Mousy Monasteries

Replace “monastery” with “nunnery” and it’ll work the same

Table automator here: http://meanderingbanter.blogspot.com/2018/10/automatic-list-to-html-translator-v2.html

D6This monastery can be found 
1 on a muddy islet in the middle of a broad river.
2 in the verdant caldera of an extinct volcano.
3 somewhere within a trackless, untamed forest which only its monks know how to navigate.
4 atop the split lip of a cliff, across a quivering rope bridge.
5 on the palm of a titanic statue, which based on its anatomy predates the faith and perhaps humanity itself.
6 in a cavern, carved whole from the damp stone.

D6This monastery was founded 
1 on top of a razed pagan sacred grove.
2 as a place to put unpopular clergy where they couldn’t become an issue.
3 as a distant refuge from civilization and its temptations.
4 originally as a fortress, and still bears the marks of and means for war.
5 thanks to the generous donation of a duke who was teetering on the verge of excommunication.
6 as an advance mission to preach in infidel territory.

D6This monastery is known for 
1 the quality of the footwear its monks cobble, the most comfortable boots and shoes to march or hike or saunter in.
2 the efficacy and relative painlessness of its medicines and surgery.
3 the strength and fine taste of its beer.
4 its political influence and sophistry.
5 its breathtakingly melodious choir.
6 its monks’ bawdiness, impropriety, and clandestine nightly visits to nearby villages.

D6This monastery’s monks are sworn 
1 to defend the laity from evil, and practice their martial arts every day at the crack of dawn.
2 to provide sanctuary and succour to all who humble themselves at its gate, even the vilest outlaws.
3 to surrender their names and be known only by functionary titles.
4 to scourge themselves to expunge the world’s sins.
5 to record all that occurs within it.
6 to avoid meat and the spilling of blood. They’ve found technicalities for both.

D6This monastery is troubled 
1 by a mara that’s feeding off their fantasies and fears of damnation.
2 by a relic which was entrusted to it, but is in fact a piece of a dismembered lich.
3 by a sect popular among the peasantry, that violently rejects the first estate.
4 by a Dionysian mystery cult that’s infiltrated its ranks.
5 by an ambitious and ruthless noble who wants to claim its land.
6 by raiders after its treasures.

D6This monastery‘s abbot 
1 is tyrannical and intolerant, coming up with cruel and unusual punishments for the slightest disobedience.
2 is a wannabe hermit with poor personal hygiene and a habit for making enigmatic proclamations.
3 is a renowned theologian and a secret heretic who’s convinced themself they’ve found a critical inconsistency in scripture.
4 feels deeply repressed regret for their path in life. They’re fond of travellers, and live vicariously through their stories.
5 is an extreme introvert, and almost never lifts their nose from the pages of a book.
6is a fat and jolly drunkard.


  1. Wasn't sure the best place to reach out to you about this but I've uninstalled reddit from my phone and wasn't otherwise checking it that often do wrt to the thing we were talking about we'll need to follow up in some other way.

    PS nothing in particular happened but fuck reddit I'm done with it

    1. Could do email

      Not a bad idea at all wrt reddit

    2. I ended up just deactivating my reddit account because there's no sense in half measures. Do you have my discord? I don't mind giving you my email if you don't have it but I'd rather not share it publicly. My discord is maxcan7#5395 I can give you my email if you message me there.

    3. Gotta have op sec man, pseudonyms, burner emails, shells within shells

      Sent discord friend request
