Wednesday, August 24, 2022

D6x7 Gith Sects Besides The Githyanki & Githzerai

Click the button below for your very own Gith sect:

Generator generator here:


This gith sect is called the gith[suffix1][suffix2]<br>This gith sect inhabits [inhabit]<br>This gith sect believes [belief]<br>This gith sect is known for [known]<br>This gith sect’s society [society]<br>This gith sect is {allied with|opposed by} [faction]



a microverse of nested pocket dimensions grown like shells by hyperspatial molluscs they tend.
the roots of a great, parasitic plant that slithers about the trunk of the world-tree like a strangler fig.
vaults buried deep beneath the grey wastes of Hades, buttressed against its cloying despair by artifacts of hope, nostalgia, and amusement incorporated into their construction.
a candle-castle on the elemental plane of wax, a place so minor that most compendiums of the planes don't even bother mentioning.
floating palaces in flooded craters on the surface of the moon, crossing to the earth in howdahs atop the backs of giant moths.
a library-jungle created by a lost divinity as a breeding ground for knowledge, where encyclopedic creatures intermix and procreate to create entirely new, often incoherent, information.

that they are the true inheritors of the great illithid empire which will rise in the future and fall long in the past, destined to snuff it out and usurp it in the same moment. Psychic infiltration and domination are their bread and butter.
in taking the bioengineering project that created the Gith into their own hands, splicing samples from exotic creatures into their gene pool and breeding specialized castes.
that it is their duty and destiny to manufacture a Gith god.
that the multiverse is a dream, and that they must find the avatar of the dreamer within it to cement themselves in its memory so something of them survives when the dreamer wakes.
that causality is an illusion, and that chaos and emergent phenomena are truly the hands of cosmic super-consciousnesses sculpting themselves from the stuff of the past - the dialectical development of Gith cultures will bring about the greatest of these super-consciousnesses in their system.
in pacifism and the psychic unification of all beings. While they are vehemently opposed to physical violence, restructuring the minds of enemies to make them friends is seen as acceptable and even commendable.

the sealed suits they wear when around others not of their kind.
their gridlike bioluminescent tattoos.
their obsession with coffee and the particularities of its brewing.
their beauty standards placing emphasis on cauliflower ears.
only being encountered outside their sanctuaries in sets of identical twins.
excessive, elaborate politeness in their speech.

is ruled by the consensus of a council of clan elders who are nigh-impossible to get to agree on anything.
practices a secret language communicated through eye and eyebrow movements, winks, and blinks.
has different sets of laws depending on one's degree of initiation into the sect.
is riven by cults and guilds with their own distinct and dogmatic interpretations of the larger sect's beliefs.
honours their dead by transplanting their bones into the bodies of the living.
separate children from their parents at birth and raise them in cadres, indoctrinating them that their deepest allegiance is to the sect.

a disorder of knight-errant modrons.
a contingent of mercenary fiends seeking to follow the root of all evil to its end.
a plushie-legion of survivors from a long-dead child-emperor's animate toy menagerie.
a pack of malformed kludge-beasts created by the collision and merging of mages miscasting teleportation spells.
indecipherable angel-demons of alien moral systems from the un-space between the outer planes.
a kingdom of beatific reverse-ghosts who sent their souls back in time and through unreality to the imagined golden age of their civilization.


  1. The Gith have always been one of my favorite D&D original species so this is cool. The fact that there are already like the Githyanki and Githzerai and a few other sub-sects like that already lends itself well to your treatment. Could easily build a whole thing out of just one or two of these.

  2. I'm not super familiar with the Gith but this is a cool generator for some weird factions

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I rolled thrice, and all three sects happened to have been opposed by "a disorder of knight-errant Modrons". Damn Modrons, man!
