Monday, October 7, 2024

GLOGtober Challenge: Magical Hotspot Patterns

As seen here:

Challenge courtesy of TheFirstGokun:

Abyssoneiric Swell

Within the area of an abyssoneiric swell (often inexplicably hex-shaped) all MD spent for a spell automatically return, but every time you cast a spell you need to use at least one more MD than you did for the last one.

Believed to be the result of astral leviathans breaching into human-perceptible layers of consciousness from deeper noo-regions. Plants within an abyssoneiric swell will be surrounded with a dim electric blue glow.

Traumothaumic Pearlsink

Often cubic in shape, and underground - centered around a traumothaumic pearl which erupts from the bowels of the earth like a reverse-meteor.

Within the area of a traumothaumic pearlsink any MD spent for a spell don't return. Also miscasts don't happen on a double, but dooms still happen as normal. Keep a record of MD lost to the pearlsink.

Somewhere within the area is the pearl itself. The pearl contains any MD lost to it, and 1d6 extra. It can be shattered to release these MD for a spell, but all released MD must be used at once. After absorbing MD the pearl will give off a painfully-intense citrus-like smell, which can be handy for finding it in confusing underground environs.

Altermetric Storm

A spate of unusual weather and omens revolving around a particular "theme" - for example an altermetric storm of "fish" might result in rains of fish, mudslides that reshape hills into the shapes of fish, and children being born with fish heads.

While within an altermetric storm, any "elemental" component of a spell cast will be replaced with the storm's theme - e.g. within the aforementioned fish storm, a fireball would become a fishball. If it takes more than a few seconds to figure out what the element of a spell might be and how it could be replaced, maybe don't bother.

Altermetric storms are believed to be fallout from a Godfall Event, the dead god's domains fleeing out from its decomposing realm-body as storms.

Grasp of Maqora-Mahaza

A geomantic smear left by the self-annihilation of the archwizard Maqora-Mahaza. Its boundaries are marked by menhirs like curling fingers or fangs, and within there is a constant noise like a deep mosquito whine.

Miscasts within the area of a Grasp happen on singles instead of doubles, with doubles being a normal cast, and the regular miscast table is replaced by this one:

1. Your right hand withers and warps into a six-fingered claw. If not constantly monitored or tied down it works towards mischief - undoing knots, throwing coins out of pockets, strangling sleepers, etc. After a day it returns to normal.
2. Your reflection crawls out of the nearest puddle or mirror. It wants the opposite of what you want, and where you are direct it is subtle and so on and so on. It knows everything you know and has all your abilities, but it is as fragile as glass and will shatter if it takes a single point of damage. It is dragged back after a day.
3. For 1d6 hours the wind slices your bare flesh like blades. A breeze deals damage as a dagger, a gale as a greatsword. Only totally covering yourself is proof against this.
4. You grow a second mouth on your neck, with many rows of teeth. The mouth mutters in Devils' Speech, dealing 1 Wisdom damage per hour you hear it. It drools like a waterfall in the presence of dead meat of your own species, and you must save to resist eating it on the spot. If the meat's from your own family you don't get a save to resist. The mouth disappears after a day, though it leaves a ragged scar.
5. Your shadow becomes pregnant with a random monster. If you are ever in darkness it is birthed. After a day it's reabsorbed.
6. Your legs become riddled with holes seemingly too deep for your flesh to contain them. You're unable to stand without a crutch or other support, but should someone mention you by name you will hear whatever they say from wherever they are in the world through those holes. The holes disappear after a day.


A silvery-purple fog which is spat out of fairy circles in great sporulating bursts.

All magic within an elf-fog is illusory. Illusory magic can still deal damage, but those who would be killed by such magic instead fall into an unwaking sleep until removed from the area of the elf-fog.

Ongoing magic brought into the area of elf-fog becomes illusory while within it. For this reason those bearing curses and suchlike often form communities in areas where the fog is common.

The Feast of St. Theokairos

Feast day of a saint martyred by a temporal paradox. Occurs on Savarach, the man-made and broken eighth day of creation, which now lies in pieces here and there, then and again. Noticeable by a feeling like the Sunday Scaries, wherein one feels as though they've committed some terrible wrong and are about to be punished for it.

Whenever a spell is cast during the Feast, roll on the table below:

1. Flip a coin also, haha. On a heads the duration is doubled. On a tails the duration is halved.
2. Write down the numbers you got on the MD you spent to cast it. If the next spell you cast has any doubles or triples, including the written-down numbers, then that'll trigger a miscast or doom.
3. The spell is frozen in stasis for 1d6 rounds before activating as normal.
4. The spell echoes again at half strength a round later.

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