Sunday, December 1, 2024

D6x6 Debilitating Dracoliches

Click the button below to get your dracolich:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This dracolich is
1plastered with red river-clay and crumbling brick-stuff as facsimile-flesh, with twin obscenely-large gemstones for eyes.
2composed of the contorted bodies of a hundred grey and hairless people - possessed and transformed by consuming the dracolich's self-cremated remains.
3draped in its own leathered hide, its bones scrimshawed by its own claws in maddening micro-detail.
4entombed within a floating black egg of rune-carved stone.
5flayed, perpetually red, wet, and raw, great verdigrised nails driven into its joints and key meridians.
6mummified, its torso stuffed with fragrant spices and powdered petrified wood, every one of its dry and cracked scales inscribed with a poem.
D6This dracolich sought lichdom
1to outlive their rival and continue to exist so as to torment their rival's descendants into eternity.
2because in life they were an avid breeder of humans, yet even their natural lifespan proved too short to breed humans into their highest vision.
3becaused they were cursed with a destined death - they passed through that death, and cheated it with undeath.
4because it foresaw the end of heavens and hells and souls and the rest of the extant cosmos entire, and wished to escape that extinction.
5because they were born in a hothouse era of their world, while climate conditions changed in their lifetime to make the world colder and drier - they long to see again the lush beauty of their youth.
6because their ambitions will eventually lead them to the stars, and interstellar travel is far easier when one doesn't need life-support.
D6This dracolich is known to living dragons
1as a bogeyman they were told stories of as hatchlings.
2as a capricious sage who can dispense knowledge from ages far older than they are, for a steep price.
3only by inscriptions in the oldest of ancestral dens.
4as an abomination which they are religiously-commanded to exterminate.
5as a vicious paragon of their kind, intolerant of peers yet a bulwark against the burgeoning mammals.
6as a name they can call for a favour, so long as they are willing to give their own life in the bargain.
D6This dracolich's breath weapon is
1is a torrent of diseased and lumpy putrescence.
2is a billowing cloud of burning-cold ash.
3is a fog of flesh-rotting undead bacteria.
4is a flood of ectoplasm that provides an ideal medium for ambient ghosts to manifest physically, and to possess those coated by the ectoplasm.
5opens crackling rifts to the plane of negative energy, irradiating surroundings with anti-life.
6is a burst of boiling blood and bone-shard shrapnel.
D6This dracolich's lair
1is within the craters and tunnels of a meteor circling the planet, brushing just close enough for the dracolich to breach the atmospheric gap at its closest approach.
2is a half-buried ziggurat out in the desert - once the temple of a god that opposed the dracolich, they have taken some joy in turning it into a monument to their own self-glorification.
3is an entire continental pocket of the hollow earth, underdark, veins of the earth, etc., claimed as their sole & sovereign territory.
4is the lava-tunnels & aquifer-caldera of a super-volcano, which is also their phylactery - destroy one or the other and the super-volcano will explode to an apocalyptic conclusion.
5is in the cavernous chest of a giant zombified antediluvian lobster marching endlessly across earth & sea-bed, its stringy remaining flesh repurposed into curtains between its interior segments.
6is in the donjon of a nigh-impregnable castle they tore from the earth and set in the sky atop a flying island.
D6This dracolich hoards
1actors, costumes, props, and even entire stages of an archaic style of theatre.
2fossils, and lobotomized prisoners, collecting the drool of their prisoners to mortar together fragile chimeric fossil creations.
3theologians, philosophers, books of great import - they are endlessly entertained by spirited debate.
4the first tools of nascent civilizations.
5bells, from the smallest silver janglers to great bronze bells stolen from church-towers.
6everything used to keep time - sundials, clocks, hourglasses, and so on and so on.

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