Friday, April 15, 2022

D20x5 Cyberpunk Megacorporations

Click the button below for a megacorporation of your very own:

& perhaps your megacorporation needs a name?:

Special thanks to Spwack for making the generator generator used to make this:

D20This megacorporation is known for
1biotech and augmented agriculture.
2vertically-integrated heavy industry.
3nanotech and precision microfacturing.
4media and social influence.
5artificial intelligence.
6surveillance networks and spy drones.
7total immersion virtual reality games.
8building and managing everything from luxury condos to slums.
9outfitting and deploying private military contractors.
10producing sex toys and robotic companions.
11providing private security services and leasing the forced labour of their private prisons.
12rocketry and asteroid mining.
13narco-subscriptions and health insurance.
14automated transportation and delivery.
15resource extraction and processing.
16cosmetic surgery and elective augmentation.
17financial innovations and failed state looting.
18patent trolling.
20sustainable energy monopolization.
D20This megacorporation has been implicated in
1lethal human experimentation.
2chattel slavery.
3immense bribery and government corruption.
4sponsoring terrorists.
5collusion with foreign powers.
6trafficking children.
7uplifting animals to sapience to create workers without even the pretence of human rights.
8simulating full human consciousnesses to subject them to inhuman product and marketing tests.
9gene-tweaking populations with engineered retroviruses to make people better consumers.
10arming both sides of a culture war.
11ethnic cleansing.
12a far-reaching criminal conspiracy.
13sticking dissidents in a technologically-enabled hell on earth where they’re made to suffer well beyond the capacity of natural biology.
14dealing illegal recreational neuromods.
15research & development of potential existential threats.
16a scheme to regress civilization to a feudal serfdom model.
17mass-hacking archives to rewrite history to their liking.
18assassinations of individuals opposing their interests.
19backing gang leaders and warlords to create a power vacuum it could then fill.
20a catastrophic geoengineering project.
D20However, nobody really cares about that because
1this megacorporation has a diverse board of directors and will never let you forget it.
2this megacorporation has whistleblowers murdered.
3caring would negatively impact your career prospects.
4the gigs this megacorporation offers are marginally better than their competitors’.
5they’ll never have the power to do anything about it anyways.
6caring about megacorporate crimes would seem like communism, and communism is an ideo-brand with strong gatekeeping and a high price barrier to entry these days.
7this megacorporation resettles climate refugees (into work camps).
8caring would be whataboutism - don’t you know nation-states perpetrated and continue to perpetrate far worse crimes?!
9caring would be evidence of being influenced by foreign powers - perhaps even a paid troll.
10the megacorporation’s HR lingo is so advanced they’ve convinced people that the awful things they do are good, actually.
11doing so will get you banned from all social media and other online platforms.
12the megacorporation’s giving out lootboxes to people who “combat the misinformation” of their crimes.
13there’s so much information and context for that information out there it’s impossible to sift through what’s a manufactured psy-op or not.
14they’re convinced that extinction is right around the corner so nothing matters anyways.
15the private sphere can do no wrong - it’s all reactions to market incentives - only the state can be evil.
16they’ve probably got serious dirt on you too - no stones in the glass house of the panopticon.
17moral nihilism is really big these days.
18the big new videogame just came out.
19the news cycle moved on to the next big thing almost instantaneously.
20there’s bigger problems these days.
D20The executives of this megacorporation
1take Protestant work ethic and self-denial to a cultish extreme.
2pepper their speech with bubbly self-help jargon.
3are an extended clan put in their positions by a web of nepotism.
4take their orders from a secret proprietary AI. They’re chosen for their skill as digital wardens rather than business acumen.
5have had their consciences surgically removed.
6wear mask-screens that project the face of their focus group tested mascot character.
7practice quaint old-school nationalism.
8are all clones of its autophilic founder.
9spend as much time as possible regressed to infancy in artificial womb-tanks - they believe this promotes longevity and flexibility of thought.
10worship it as a deity, believing the megacorporation to be the modern incarnation of some neopagan god.
11go on a yearly company retreat wherein the lowest performers are hunted for sport by the rest.
12are recruited and promoted based on genetic testing.
13are expected to maintain perfectly manicured, virtue-signalling public personas. Many need to have their identities prior to joining the megacorporation erased. Most have become experts at subtly destroying their enemies.
14get all their calories, nutrients, and hydration from constant IV drips.
15are required by their contracts to never step foot off corporate property, spending their lives in self-contained and -sustaining crèches.
16have bombs implanted in their skulls that can be remotely detonated by the board of directors.
17undergo nightmarish hazing for each rung of the corporate ladder they climb.
18have their memories wiped and sealed beneath layers of confidentiality agreements, only released when it might be beneficial to the corporate bottom line.
19believe themselves to be merely extremities of their corporate super-organism.
20are required to lead its employees and contractors in their corporate anthem at the beginning and end of every work day.
D20This megacorporation’s headquarters
1is embedded in an arctic ice-shelf, maintained with an atrocious air-conditioning budget.
2is in a walled garden in the midst of a city that’s been abandoned to institutional and infrastructural decay.
3is in a massive survivalist bunker compound in New Zealand.
4is a seasteading sanctuary in international waters.
5is in a decommissioned, still-hardened, mutually-assured destruction scenario command center.
6is an enormous aerostat that verges on the upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere. International arguments have been settled that set it outside the jurisdiction of any terrestrial power.
7is a company town where inhabitants are reduced to indentured servitude by the sole issuance of company scrip.
8is a space station laying languid in one of the Earth’s Lagrange points.
9is a local military powerhouse, defended by waves of drones and orbital artillery.
10is in a span of deliberately-uncharted ocean depths, accessible only by stealth-submarines.
11is built atop an early modern star fort.
12is the tallest building in its hemisphere, a marvel of engineering and a nightmare to keep in working order.
13exists entirely on the digital plane, to save on property taxes.
14is a banal hell on wheels, a titanic train able to traverse decaying rail infrastructure. It’s so big it’s even got its own internal monorail line.
15is a fully-enclosed arcology with its own ecosystem and weather.
16is an ultra-decadent spa that taps into the Earth’s mantle to heat its own artificial hot spring.
17is smack-dab on the surface of the Moon. All but the highest of the corporate hierarchy get there only by telepresence.
18was built according to its founder’s interpretation of the Platonic republic.
19is suspended on carbon nanotube cables above the caldera of a volcano, for dramatic impact.
20is in a bucolic cottagecore village wherein good vibes are maintained at gunpoint.

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