Wednesday, February 12, 2025

D6x6 Shapeshifting Reptilian Aliens in the Halls of Power

Click the button below to generate your reptilian:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This shapeshifting reptilian is reptilian
1because they are an actual reptile - a descendant of the sapient and technologically-advanced troodontids who fled from a disaster that threatened life on Earth in a distant epoch.
2because they are a demon, and a relative of the serpent in Eden - the Fall of Man severed humanity from the true and eternal world, trapping us in the retroactively-created natural history of the universe - similarly turning the demon and others like it into members of entire evolved species of (still quite evil) aliens.
3due to transgenic modification - their kind can't survive on Earth naturally and must incorporate the genes of Earth-life to do so - it just so happens that the genes of reptiles are the most compatible.
4only by faint resemblance, due to convergent evolution.
5due to cosmetic surgery, so that anyone who tries to reveal their existence will seem to be an Ickean conspiracy theorist.
6because of a morphic resonance signal broadcast by a reptilian progenitor species - this signal reached Earth as well, leading to the evolution of vertebrates, but a cosmic accident led to mammals usurping the proper dominion of reptiles.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian shapeshifts
1by everting their body and then wriggling into their target's body - digesting the unnecessary internal organs and linking their nerves and circulatory system into the leftover husk to walk it around and sustain it.
2through immersion in a pod they've hidden in their base of operations, which breaks their body down into goo and rebuilds it into the new form.
3by smearing on a coat of nanotechological "clay" that mimics the colours, textures, and temperature of human tissues.
4by putting their target into a coma then attuning to the target's neuro-electrical self-image - if their target ever wakes up or dies, the reptilian loses their form.
5by metamorphosing like a caterpillar, using their skin as a chrysalis. If they lose their shed skin, they lose their ability to shapeshift.
6by rotating parts of their body through higher spatial dimensions until they approximate the desired form - as this can put their insides on their outside, their shapeshifted forms are often surprisingly fragile.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian is on Earth
1to encourage humanity's most rapacious and anti-social tendencies, so as to more effectively produce garmonbozia to harvest.
2to recruit compradors who will manage the Earth after its conquest by the approaching reptilian space-fleet.
3in exile, after crossing the wrong reptilian back home - they seek to surround themself with the finest comforts and security this backwater planet has to offer.
4to discover the fate of an infiltration force that was sent to the planet a century ago.
5to counter the moves of a psycho-electrical Procyonian energy vampire, which can possess people and technology like a demon - its intentions for humanity aren't any better than the reptilian's.
6to assassinate world leaders and foment global anarchy so that the reptilians can swoop in and pretend to be humanity's saviours.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian has infiltrated
1a military base, cultivating a violent cult of personality around themself.
2the entertainment industry, hopping between the forms of performers and agents and producers.
3George Soros's Open Society Foundations, using their position to influence a web of NGOs.
4an infamously litigous biglaw firm.
5a museum, which by chance has amassed some artifacts of latent power.
6a Freemasonic lodge - they were disappointed to find that the Freemasons' power is not what it once was.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian enjoys
1injecting themself with adrenochrome extracted from the pineal glands of terrified children.
2swallowing small furry animals alive & wriggling.
3taking joyrides in its flying saucer & doing cattle mutilations.
4infecting enemies and annoyances with gene-serums that transform them into squamous monstrosities, then letting them loose in the sewers.
5impersonating people's loved ones then gaslighting them into insanity.
6drinking coffee (they get drunk off caffeine) and listening to true crime podcasts.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian can give themself away
1by the nictation of their translucent secondary eyelids.
2by their abnormally low body temperature.
3through their hissing lisp.
4because the condensation from their breath is slightly corrosive.
5through their fear and revulsion of pregnant women.
6through their lack of nipples or a belly button.


  1. i learn a new word on average with each of your posts, i swear
