Friday, March 21, 2025

D6x6 Circuitous Centaurs

Giddy up:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6 These centaurs
1 have stiff grey hair and stocky bodies, like mules.
2 have black-and-white stripes like zebras.
3 are stunted like ponies.
4 are slim and pretty like Arabian horses.
5 have long wooly coats like Bashkir Curlies.
6 are huge and heavily-muscled like percherons.
D6 These centaurs are led
1 by a sage who tutoured several human heroes, and came to regret sharing their knowledge.
2 by the high priest of a sky-god, who can gallop on the wind as if it were solid ground.
3 by a dreaming seer who as a filly-child suffered the bite of a magic fly which put her into an endless sleep.
4 by an enchanted, intelligent saddle who has seen thousands of years of war, and has grown quite sick of it.
5 by an apostate knight who once served a militant monastic order in a distant land.
6 by a beat-up and world-wise ex-circus performer.
D6 These centaurs roam
1 wherever they wish, for they hold the whole of the earth to be their property, an attitude which has won them no friends and winnowed their numbers.
2 between hills where wild grapes and olives grow, crushing them underhoof into oil and wine.
3 a stretch of the underworld blasted out by harsh winds, where redwood-thick columns of stone stand in the midst of sharp and silken sands, and life sprouts in the nutritious surface-blown dust around tarry seeps from even further down.
4 between forest and bog, chopping and burning down the forest and damming and dredging the bog to eke out an ashen grassland.
5 stone-carved steps and terraces, the fruit of a long conquest of impassable slopes into flat, trottable planes.
6 a plain where they are the undisputed masters thanks to their mobility, taking their pick of tariffs and plunder.
D6 These centaurs fight
1 like horse archers, only they're the horses and archers both.
2 with cannons they pull behind them on chariots, using back-mounted pulleys to aim and reload the cannons.
3 with hoof-mounted blades they kick wildly with.
4 hopped up on dried caterpillars, which make them foam at the mouth and lose all fear so they can crush their enemies with their greater mass.
5 with edged atlatl-esque polearms, which allow them to fling javelins with the momentum of their charge and then chop off limbs.
6 only as a last resort - preferring diplomacy, magic, poison, fleeing, and suchlike - as their horse-parts are delicate & heal poorly.
D6 These centaurs might be found with
1 straw horns of beans fermenting together with the meat of small animals - a centaur delicacy.
2 the hoof-shoes of fallen comrades, engraved and inlaid and bent to be worn as jewelry.
3 elegantly-painted snake-catching/back-scratching sticks.
4 long brass ear-horn/trumpets which let them detect movement and communicate over long distances.
5 pickled & candied strips of root vegetables - an acquired taste, but can last damn near forever.
6 horse-head costumes that allow them to disguise themselves as regular horses, at least from a distance.
D6 These centaurs call humans
1 half-legs.
2 ape-men.
3 laggards.
4 flat-butts.
5 five-hoofed.
6 pine-nuts.

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