Tuesday, July 2, 2024

D6x6 Putrid Pandemics

Not zombies or memetic or whatever... just normal.

Click the button below to get your pandemic:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here: http://meanderingbanter.blogspot.com/2018/10/automatic-list-to-html-translator-v2.html

D6This pandemic's origin
1was a zoonotic transfer.
2was a military bioweapons project.
3was a sample retrieved from Mars.
4was a synthetic meat start-up.
5was a biotech corporation's pet A.I. that'd been let off the leash.
6was an intellectual dark web cult.
D6This pandemic is
1viral in nature.
2bacterial in nature.
3fungal in nature.
4amoebaic in nature.
5parasitic in nature.
6prionic in nature.
D6This pandemic's symptoms include
1muscle weakness, skin hardening, and ligament lengthening.
2blood clots, heart attacks, and ribcage inversions.
3skin separation, gaseous inflation, and autoimmune jellyfication.
4bone-spike growth and marrow explosions.
5vomiting, diarrhea, and necrosis of the digestive system from the inside-out.
6false memories, hallucinations, loss of impulse control, and neural degradation.
D6This pandemic was exacerbated
1by a faulty vaccine that made some pharmaceutical company executives and their government toadies a lot of money.
2by a senile American president bungling international coordination and goodwill.
3by climate refugees being packed into deprived conditions.
4by Mossad operatives unleashing it in false flag attacks.
5by proliferation of more contagious yet no less dangerous mutant strains.
6by a global economic crash that made it difficult to marshal the resources to contain and cure the pandemic.
D6This pandemic has
1a lame name, like protein-synchronous major replication error tendency septicity.
2a cool name, like the Black Plague.
3a name based off the scientist who discovered it, like Werhler's Syndrome or something.
4an acronym name, like V.O.I.D. or whatever.
5like a dozen different names because people couldn't agree on one.
6a dumb slang name that caught on, like Captain Trips.
D6Attempted solutions to this pandemic include
1firebombing infected population centers.
2mandatory gene modifications enforced by state violence and threat of bank account cancellation, many of which ended in deaths even more horrible than the pandemic could induce.
3deployments of navies to blow up disease-fleeing migrant fleets.
4using autonomous and self-replicating war-machines to create firebreaks between infected and uninfected zones.
5institution of surveillance regimes that make the Patriot Act look like a furby's voice recorder.
6dogs trained to sniff it out loosed en masse into the streets, to maul to death those who they smell it on.

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