Friday, April 15, 2022

D20x5 Foul Fallen Angels

Click the button below for a fallen angel of your very own. A blessed Easter to you all!:

Special thanks to Spwack for making the generator generator I used to make this:

D20This fallen angel’s true form looks like
1an overly kitschy, generic image of an angel. Its halo shines harsh and neon, its robes bleached to the point of fraying, its cheeks so rosy they might be bruised, and so on.
2a crudely re-fleshed, incorruptible body of a saint. New fluids bloat unevenly in places, muscles still too tight in others, the halo dim, flickering.
3a fractured stone statue of an idealized person, shining from within, incandescing and dribbling molten trails along the edges of its fractures.
4a beautiful blue-skinned person encased in ice, cracking and re-freezing with every movement.
5a nuclear shadow puppet with a gargoylish silhouette.
6a giant whose flesh is blooming corpse lilies, attended by legions of flies.
7a clockwork eidolon whose every gear is lined with eyes, greased by the vitreous fluid of the ones crushed between them.
8a suit of brazen plates sculpted to resemble a winged bull, the immaterial spirit trapped within weeping incessantly, its tears leaking through the gaps, its whimpers amplified into bestial bellows.
9a humanoid form in perpetual atmospheric reentry, charred black and trailing tails of plasma.
10six wings burnt to crisps, no longer sufficient to cover the once-impossible geometries of its body which have themselves been derivated down to dull comprehensibility.
11a lion-headed wretch, old and grey and toothless. Its shoulders bear infected stumps where more heads once stood.
12a mass of fulgurite, spindly and branching like a stick insect, gently humming with the last sparks of divine fire left within it.
13a wind-up soldier wielding obsolete arms and armour, grinding down with a sound like distant horns and harps.
14a mournful magdalene depicted in greyscale vitrail.
15a figure in a dingy mask and robes, illuminated from within by silvery light.
16mildewed and inkstreaked gospel-pages folded intricately into humanoid shape.
17a towering prism with faces and hands of every hue pressing against its inner surface. Limbs like glass needles stretch and branch from its vertices.
18something between a spider and a marionette, cut wires hanging in the air behind it, soft hands at the ends of each limb.
19a fractally complex cat’s cradle with a different pattern every time you look at it, shaped from a thread thin as a hair and as sharp as the sharpest sword.
20glowing cinders whipped up by a scorching wind into a cloud of writhing serpents.
D20This fallen angel was once
1a hornblower who heralded the heavenly host.
2a hunter of demons and dragons.
3a guardian of prophets and saints.
4a messenger who dictated words of scripture now recited across the earth.
5a gardener of Eden.
6an inflicter of plagues and curses.
7responsible for ushering newborn souls to babies taking their first breaths.
8tasked with teaching the first humans of the arts and sciences.
9a shepherd of dreams, chasing away nightmares and inspiring visions.
10an aide to wizards of the Enochian tradition.
11an intercessor named in prayers for minor miracles of healing and protection.
12charged with testing the virtuous.
13part of the choir around God’s waiting throne.
14responsible for tallying the good and bad deeds of individuals.
15sent to the mortal world to defend sacred places and purge defiled ones.
16an advocate for dying souls before the angel of death.
17the scribe of Adamic lexicons.
18responsible for marshalling winds to sweep church steps.
19a cataloguer of the unexpected emergent interactions of creation’s many pieces.
20charged with teaching birds their songs.
D20This angel fell
1for their unrequited love of a mortal which led them to neglect their duties.
2due to a glitch in its luminal circuits.
3by the compulsion of a human cleric.
4because some occult occlusion cut it off from God’s light.
5because of a contradiction in its commands.
6because it was persuaded to by another fallen angel.
7because it was wounded by a weapon that inflicted diabolical taint.
8from the weight of its doubt in the divine plan.
9because it was seduced by worldly pleasures.
10due to being distracted from a strict timetable by the beauty of the dawn reflected in a drop of dew.
11due to its envy towards its superiors.
12because it laughed at a blasphemous joke.
13so that it could be used as a double-agent, a use it has since exhausted.
14from a conviction that it could improve on God’s creation.
15in a deliberate and misguided attempt to change its nature in order to better fulfill its duty.
16from sheer hatred of all things that weren’t good, beautiful, or true.
17because it became convinced of the truth of a mortal heresy.
18because it was promised a far more rewarding position in Hell, a promise which was never fulfilled.
19due to pride, an unwillingness to sully itself through service among less pure creatures.
20in a failed test of a device that would detonate if the angel it was attached to fell.
D20This fallen angel holds
1a book of prophecy rendered false by revisions to providence made after their fall. Its words still stretch til the end of time, but now they range from approximately correct to wildly misleading.
2a stone once cast by one without sin. Anyone struck by it will become a pariah, known to all as an inveterate sinner of the sourest sort.
3a clay jar sealed with honey and curdled milk. Opening it will unleash a divine plague on the land and its people.
4a flute with a maddening pitch. Playing it drives beasts and children within earshot into a violent rage.
5a staff topped by a pair of entwined serpents. In the right proportions their venom can heal. In the wrong ones it kills, quite horribly.
6a brick struck from the Tower of Babel, riddled with seams and creases. With a spoken command it can unfold into a brick structure no more than 15 cubits on any side, or fold up into a single brick again.
7a copper mirror that shows the weight of a person’s sin reflected in it as physical decay and depth of darkness.
8the still-beating heart of a goat pierced through with hawthorn barbs. Swearing vengeance on the heart lets you sense the position of your target, but if you forgive them or fall short of killing them you’ll start hemorrhaging.
9a spear with a head of dove-feather quills, which rusts and tarnishes any precious or bloodied metal it strikes.
10a crystal chalice carved with complex geometric designs that are gilded in thin lines along their edges. Anyone who drinks fluid poured from the chalice becomes immediately and intensely hungover, with the effect multiplied if the fluid is wine or vinegar.
11a bow of gnarled olibanum-wood that allows its bearer to pluck beams of moonlight and fire them as arrows of freezing radiance.
12the head of a witch encased in lead. The head can be made to vomit stinking ectoplasm and a mob of deranged ghosts.
13a bandage made of a shed snakeskin. Any wound wrapped in it will heal without a scar, any limb maimed or amputated regenerate fully, but the healed flesh will be scaly, cold, and otherwise reptilian.
14a sinuous mass of frozen flame contained in a tumbleweed-like sphere of carbonized branches. The flame is still burning hot, and its bearer can speak, see, and hear through any fire lit with it.
15a key that can seal or unseal portals to afterlives.
16a shepherd’s crook made of horn and bone. It can reach into dreams and yank out the images and characters from them, to be placed in another sleeper’s head or used as illusory figments in the waking world.
17a switch made from the branch of a fig tree. It blights anything it strikes with infertility, whether that be a person or an entire field.
18a greatsword made from a dragon’s jaw bone.
19the sole cluster of eggs laid by Leviathan’s mate before its culling by the hands of God. May one day hatch into a swarm of terrible sea monsters.
20a knife so fine its blade is invisible when viewed edge-on. This knife can cleave spirit from flesh. When it wounds a living creature the part it wounded becomes paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
D20This fallen angel has sought refuge
1disguised as a dove to be a sorcerer’s familiar.
2in the crypt of a heretical saint.
3among the peasantry, in the guise of a doctor.
4as the guarded primary source of a scholar of antiquities.
5in the company of a repentant demon.
6cloistered in an abandoned monastery.
7in the eaves of a temple, scavenging offerings left for the icons.
8in the ruins of a city smote by God.
9with a witch, but it was tricked and trapped and tapped for power.
10on a fragment of ice and stone drifting through the outer darkness, beyond the sight of Heaven.
11in a necropolis of the unforgiven dead.
12on an isle between the lands of the living and the dead.
13as the caretaker of a gang of orphans forced into crime by necessity.
14leading nomads through a wasteland.
15as a preacher in the hinterlands, relying on half-remembered theology for its sermons.
16in the aisles of a great library enchanted for absolute silence.
17beneath the shells of failed realities, buried shamefully in the earth.
18as a wandering merchant who never stays in any one place long enough to be found out.
19inside the idol of a cult, impersonating their deity for its own ends.
20among a tribe of vehement atheists.

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