Thursday, September 19, 2024

D6x6 Horrendous Hellhounds

Click the button below to generate your hellhound:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6 This hellhound is
1 made of flesh like tongues of fire that lick off burnt-black bones.
2 of a shade darker than black, and is shrouded in perpetual smoke and shadow it blends into seamlessly.
3 whip-thin like a starved greyhound, its bones malformed and stretching its flesh into translucent sheets.
4 as crocodilian as it is canine, splayed limbs dragging its belly along the ground, bald mange-spots exposing scaly, peeling skin beneath.
5 grotesquely over-muscled, to the point that its skin has split in many places, revealing wet muscle and slavering maws beneath.
6 wrinkled like a bulldog but all over its body, with cataract-wracked eyes weeping from under the folds.
D6 This hellhound can
1 break off its teeth into bite-wounds, which continuously inject venom and burrow away from attempts to remove them.
2 mutilate a corpse to create a temporary portal to the lower planes.
3 only been seen by its current target.
4 howl loud enough to wake the dead, who lash out at the living around them in pain and terror.
5 appear in the dreams of their targets, turning them to nightmares of being stalked through infernal environs, denying them rest and potentially killing them through fear.
6 fly through the air but only at night or during a storm.
D6 This hellhound's master
1 is a gambler using it to breed bigger and nastier dogs for fighting, indulging in its savage tendencies to keep it in line.
2 is another hellhound, the alpha of their pack - it wants to take over and become the new alpha.
3 is a cynical priest using it to drive people to dogmatic obedience.
4 is a secret witch using it to eliminate rivals and threats.
5 is a freelance soul-hunter collecting on diabolical contracts.
6 is a serial killer hiding their own murders among the hellhound's spree.
D6 This hellhound has a fondness for
1 bribery, pausing to scarf down any coins thrown to it.
2 betrayal, sparing a group if they sacrifice one of their friends to it.
3 sadism, prefering to kill slowly and painful more than efficiently.
4 arson, often losing track of prey in the blazes it sets.
5 corrupting the innocent, putting itself in the employ of children to kill their bullies and suchlike and then killing them in turn once their souls become heavy enough with sin to be damned.
6 the meat of mundane dogs, going out of its way to hunt them down.
D6 This hellhound is
1 a living curse which claimed a bit of the body and mind of each person it felled until it was able to make a body and mind of its own.
2 a former church grim whose charge was desecrated.
3 a demoted and devolved devil.
4 a vicious and ambitious soul working their way up the hellish ranks.
5 domesticated descendant of the pre-human inhabitants of the netherworlds.
6 the reincarnated spirit of a very bad dog.
D6 This hellhound can be held at bay
1 by smoke from burning esfand, which blinds and chokes them.
2 by stakes carved from an oak tree that's been struck by lightning - even a scratch from one will wound them terribly.
3 by the sound of silver chimes.
4 by the blood of a man-eating wolf, a line of which they're unable to cross.
5 by fireworks.
6 by kittens, the presence of which makes them unbearably nauseous.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

D6x6 Creatures From Black Lagoons & Other Such Amphibious Humanoid Cryptids

Click the button below to generate:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here: