Monday, September 23, 2024

D6x6 Yummy Yurians

Yurians are lobster people. And crab people. And weird beaky guys with pincers for hands. Depends on the edition.

Click the button below to generate your yurians:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6 These yurians have
1 bright red shells and big puppy-dog eyes.
2 psychedelically-colourful shells with hypnotically-swirled lines and ridges.
3 black shells with orange spots, and cruel-looking hooks lining the inside of their claws.
4 glossy blue shells, and antennae that curl like silly straws.
5 translucent shells, showing off glassy organs and the flow of their colourless blood.
6 pale shells, and a great number of silky setae along their limbs which resemble fur.
D6 These yurians are
1 sea-bottom nomads, taking advantage of their rugged physiques to wander stretches few other undersea peoples could handle.
2 inheritors and scavengers of some Atlantean sunken civilization, adopting its fashions to their crustacean frames and getting a good way into understanding its technologies.
3 decadent chivalrites with little knowledge of or interest in what goes on outside the ingrown courtly intrigues of their snail-iron citadels.
4 undersea gangsters, pirates and protection racket extractors on everyone who dares to sail above their territory.
5 the last of a dying civilization, their god slain. A plague afflicts them, their cycles of reincarnation are disrupted, and they huddle around divine relics while their ruins spatter the oceans' floors.
6 industrious, bureaucratic, and paranoid - records kept in strands of clay beads, marked exactingly to ensure everyone meets their quotas, for the good of all.
D6 These yurians' beauty standards
1 lead them to exaggerate their rear segmentation with the use of corsets during their molts.
2 are obsessed with the delicateness of their telson and uropods.
3 have recently adopted eyeshadow and blush from surface-folk - an uncanny sight to be sure.
4 involve inlaying their shells with precious stones and nacre.
5 are based more on jellied perfumes and urine-additives than visual aesthetics.
6 have led to the cumbersome overgrowth of their right claws over generations of sexual selection.
D6 These yurians are often accompanied by
1 concentric, iridescent, animate bubbles, about the size of watermelons - serving something like a religious function.
2 a sort of jellyfish they keep on hooks through their non-essential parts, like a clown with a cluster of balloons - the jellyfishes' venom gets them high, but is dangerous for anyone else.
3 koalinth mercenaries who prove more nimble fighters.
4 swarms of of a species of wrasse they've domesticated, which dive between shell segments to pick out parasites and bits of detritus.
5 a gigantic, domesticated species of tripod fish, which are able to walk on their stiffened fins, used by the yurians as beasts of burden.
6 sea cucumbers they herd as quick snacks.
D6 These yurians are troubled
1 by slavers who capture them just after they molt, when they're too soft and weak to fend them off.
2 by a dark mer-wizard, who is plying the ruffians and malcontents among them with narcotic mutagens, aiming to turn them into super-soldiers and war-beasts for their burgeoning army.
3 by a cannibal-crusade launched by a nation of sahuagin, proving their devotion to Sekolah by devouring those too weak to fend them off.
4 by a kraken that marks them with its suckers and invades their dreams to turn them to its cult.
5 by the king of a seaside kingdom, who has acquired a taste for their boiled flesh.
6 by a clutch of topaz dragons that have moved into the region in search of unclaimed (by other dragons) territory, and seeking minions to war proxily with each other.
D6 In return for help with this trouble, these yurians might offer
1 a sworn honour guard who would lay down their lives at your command.
2 immortalization as a hero of their culture.
3 the egg of a tameable leviathan.
4 a lord's ransom in pearls and untarnishable gold.
5 the location of a sunken treasure fleet.
6 a mighty artifact of human realms, next to useless underwater.

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