Friday, December 16, 2022

The Fountain of the Heavenly Waters - More Notes for Dungeon 2023


Thinking of central organizing concepts for my 2023 mega-dungeon - a framework to riff off of when I'm low on inspiration, and to give structure to what might otherwise be just a long list of disconnected rooms.

So: most of the mega-dungeon is within the lost city of Lacrimada - pretty cliché history, once-magical, advanced metropolis and all that, now fallen into ruin. The secret of Lacrimada's success is something within its depths, an ocean of raw chaos or god's blood or whatever else.

Lacrimada itself is essentially a gigantic fountain/water treatment plant, sucking up that uncanny wellspring, processing it into various outputs, dispensing it over the land and throughout the city, and recycling the water returned to it by waterfalls and canals.

The city's built around the pipes and reservoirs of this fountain, its pumps and water-wheels and relays. Traps and hazards might occur from the natural decay of chains and other machinery, build-up of pressure, chambers suddenly filling with or being emptied of water, or perhaps as purification or filtration mechanisms - the presence and nature of a monster might also be indicated by how it chewed through a filter or grate.

I'm going to have to do some reading on pre-electrical pump systems and so on for more ideas.

Lacrimada's water was the stuff of miracles: panaceas, life extension, healing any wound, etc. Stuff you should've been able to build a paradise on - and it was close to paradise for a time. However its people became obsessed with the water's process, with its and their eternal refinement over human concerns, and so doomed themselves. Aesthetically, I want the humanity of the city to be dwarfed by its infrastructure, homes clustered in the shadows of dams and aqueducts, like Blame! or Naissance dialed back into antiquity, brutalist behemoths overgrown by the damp.

Imagine the following, but instead of pleasant greenery, the buildings are covered by reeking mold, fungal filaments and mushrooms - perhaps great fields of mussels where the water flows over them.

Lacrimada's monsters too are warped by the waters - from imbibing congealed, stagnant, befouled samples of it, or as exemplars of its people's divergent ideas of perfection. Many will be hard to kill, capable of regeneration. Taking advantage of the space by knocking them off bridges into vast pits, venting them out of a disposal tube, dropping an elevator on their head, and so on may be the only way to be rid of them for good.

The party too should be able to access this unnatural healing - at serious risk, of course. For all the mutation tables people have written up, I haven't seen many get rolled on. Lacrimada should help with that - expect mutations galore. As you discover access shafts and re-activate elevators to plumb the city's depths, you should get clues on how to cook up various concoctions with its water by studying it, maybe whip up your own cargo cultic still.


  1. I love the images you chose for this! The vibes are super strong and I love this concept! I need to come up with my own concept because I am also doing Dungeon 23

  2. Really cool concept and ya with a little research could probably come up with a lot of cool traps or hazards.

  3. Happy to see somebody actually played NaissanceE.

    This is a very strong concept, for the city. My mind immediately flashed to Bloodborne, but I think Lacrimada has even more potential.

    'They are misbegotten gods...' - where this is from?

    1. Believe I played it based on your recommendation

      That's from the manga Jigokuraku - it's a recommendation from me

    2. Have recommendation - will follow, thank you.

  4. This is a great concept. Very nice visuals too. Looking forward to seeing more.

  5. Very nice inspirational images, and some really good ideas. I have been inspired to try Dungeon 23, at least in some form, but the thought of a trad dungeon seems a bit mechanical. I can roll up stuff, but I think I first need to have a setting, or some other idea or premise to hang my entries off.

    1. So far I have only some unconnected scribbles, but I’m finding all the various blogposts and tweets etc are pretty entertaining and have a lot of great ideas: there is a lot of creativity out there and this Dungeon 23 idea really has sparked a lot wonderful output.
