Friday, March 5, 2021

D6x6 Harsh Harpies


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D6The bird-parts of these harpies resemble
1 parrots.
2 owls.
3 falcons.
4 ravens.
5 vultures.

D6These harpies might wield
1 javelins dropped from great heights rather than thrown.
2 huge bows drawn with their legs.
3 bombs in strafing runs.
4 their steel-capped talons.
5 whips they can deftly tie in a fight, such as into a noose around your neck.
6lightweight blowguns and venom-tipped needles.

D6These harpies nest
1 on the sides of sheer cliffs, their dwellings stuck on by pitons, lightweight frames, and their own adhesive waste.
2 on floating islands held aloft by their most sacred and secret magic.
3 on top of cyclopean pillars and bridges that stretch through the sky between them like aqueducts. These structures long predate the harpies themselves.
4 in the highest boughs of trees and in the rafters of abandoned towers.
5 in the gondolas slung under their dirigible-fleets.
6on top of mountains, with lower placement being associated with lower status. Hypoxia is a perennial affliction of their elites.

D6These harpies see humans
1 as delicious prey.
2 as sources of shiny things to steal.
3 as horrid pests, to be chased off whenever they can.
4 as unpredictable neighbours with a history of intermittent hostility.
5 as dirtbound apes to be mocked and patronized.
6as rivals to be eliminated before they infringe on the air.

D6An exceptional item these harpies might carry is
1 an unfoldable cage which renders any living thing caught within it weightless.
2 a belt that softens surfaces you fall on, reducing the damage you take by falling and letting you leave a sizeable impact crater even in solid stone.
3 a quill, which when tossed into the wind will fly off to deliver a written message to whoever you name.
4 a hyper-dense, seed-filled nutrient bar that provides the equivalent of five rations in a negligible package.
5 a leather cloak fringed with lapis lazuli beads that is extremely hydrophobic. Any liquid, whether water, magma, or acid, will immediately wick off it.
6a firefly as big as your forearm that gives off light as a torch. It’s trained to follow behind you and obey simple orders (“go there”, “come back”, and the like). It will die of old age in 1d4 weeks if nothing gets it before then.

D6These harpies’ origin
1 is a clan of starving scavengers who consumed the yolk of a monstrous bird’s egg.
2 is a raptorial cult who transformed their initiates into a more holy form.
3 is a clan of aerial berserkers that became stuck in this in-between form after their magic shapeshifting feather-talismans were burned.
4 is intergenerational exposure of humans to the energies of elemental air.
5 is simply a foreign human ethnicity, like the acephali or the monopods.
6is the antipodal Atlantis (the Atlantipode, if you will) which was flung into the sky instead of sinking beneath the waves.

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