Thursday, April 27, 2023

D20x5 Variegated Vikings

Apparently viking is a verb as well as a noun. Learn something new every day.

Click the button below to generate your very own viking:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D20 This viking’s come a’viking 
1 to earn enough wealth for the steep bride price of their beloved.
2 to enslave people to work their failing family farm.
3 to collect sacrifices for a blót dedicated to their patron god.
4 following the rumour of a magic weapon that would win them much prestige if recovered.
5 to escape the covetously murderous intentions of their uncle.
6 to scout out the way for a larger future invasion.
7 in a futile attempt to flee their prophesied doom.
8 because they've become lost at sea and can't find their way home.
9 to prove themself as a warrior.
10 in pursuit of a cowardly rival who fled their holmgang.
11 on the order of their lord, who wamts them out of the way for a while for some internal politicking.
12 because the emperor they served as a bodyguard was assassinated and now they're out of a salary.
13 for the simple joys of slaughter and pillaging.
14 because a volcanic eruption has devastated their homeland.
15 to wipe out all evidence of an indiscretion that could ruin their renown.
16 to get the riches to pay their way out of a deep debt their vices have landed them in.
17 to satiate a familial grudge.
18 to retrieve the bones of an ancestor for a proper funeral.
19 to winnow the weak and the cowardly from their crew.
20 to slay a monster destined to play a nasty role in the end of the world.
D20 This viking wields  
1 a two-handed hammer with a rune-stone for a head.
2 a spear barbed with whale-teeth.
3 a whip made of thick copper links.
4 a boarding axe and a shield made from a deck hatch.
5 paired damascene scimitars.
6 a horseman's pick with a spike made of a reinforced walrus tusk.
7 a huge sunstone that can channel the light of the sun into burning beams.
8 an iron pole hung with a flayed troll-hide banner, which writhes without any breeze.
9 a bow with arrows hollowed so that they emit ghastly screams when loosed.
10 a razor-like sword they stole on a foreign shore.
11 an atgeir.
12 a large seax with a spiked tower shield.
13 a worn and somewhat rusted (though still very lethal) sword that's served many generations in wars and feuds.
14 a set of throwing spears and a round shield painted with a snarling blue dragon.
15 a bearded axe with a handle made from a giant's ulna.
16 a halberd with a head forged in the shape of some two-faced boar-hawk chimera.
17 a war-horn cut from some gigantic caprine, which can blast a thunderous note or be swung to crush limbs into paste.
18 whatever weapon the last enemy they killed held, as a personal challenge.
19 a rapier-like weapon made from an unmelting icicle torn from the utter north.
20 an esoteric blade shaped like a tiwaz rune.
D20 This viking wears 
1 a draping shawl of fox pelts, each head biting the next pelt's tail.
2 bear-paw boots.
3 pauldrons made of red-fanged wolf skulls.
4 a belt buckle made from a gilded child's pelvis.
5 a helmet carved from the draconic figurehead of a longship.
6 a cape of seal-skin, its flippers slapping against the back of their knees.
7 live adders that slither through their braids.
8 so many throwing knives strapped across their body they act like impromptu armour.
9 a tunic of raven feathers.
10 a skirt of tanned beaver tails.
11 a pair of corpse britches.
12 a jacket with a blood eagle stitched on the back.
13 the tongue of a skald who spread rumours about them on a necklace.
14 a mail shirt, with each ring of it inscribed with a line from a saga.
15 war-paint rendered from the ashes of razed towns.
16 lorica segmenta made from the long belly-scales of a lindworm.
17 a wool cowl embroidered with images of the sea and serpentine beasts.
18 a long white dress, as part of their practice of seiðr.
19 a metal cap adorned with an elk's velvety antlers.
20 greaves and vambraces made from chunks of an exploded, powder-blackened bronze cannon.
D20 This viking can 
1 enter a berserker state wherein they know neither fear nor pain.
2 sing songs that summon up winds.
3 outwrestle a bull in rut.
4 outdrink an alcoholic elephant.
5 outrace a man on a horse while on foot.
6 swim across waters where anyone else would drown.
7 receive glimpses of the future in their dreams.
8 play the jouhikko adequately.
9 climb sheer cliffs bare-handed.
10 eat a whole pig in one sitting.
11 accurately count up a pile of coins just by glancing at it.
12 row for days without tiring.
13 track prey unerringly over vast tracts of wilderness.
14 speak just about every language spoken by those who sail in these parts.
15 preternaturally command domesticated animals.
16 shrug off poisons through their hardy constitution.
17 frighten lesser fighters into surrender with just their war-cry.
18 seduce many people, despite their kind of fucked-up cauliflower face.
19 be far sneakier than their size would suggest.
20 flyte with the best of them.
D20 This viking is tied by fate
1 to a bad batch of hákarl, which will give them food poisoning at the worst possible time.
2 to a captain charged with ending their raids - they are reincarnated, star-crossed lovers.
3 to a huldra, who will take their hand in marriage and drive them on to grander and more terrible deeds.
4 to a dwarf they cheated, who will take their repayment with vicious interest.
5 to their ship, in a Fisher King-type arrangement.
6 to a bard whose music will either glorify or villify them for all time.
7 to a fell demon of the killing cold, whose harbinger they were born to be.
8 to a dim and distant star, which indicates their position to trained astrologers, and will wink out once they die.
9 to the grand treasure hoard of an infamous pirate - they will find it, and it will destroy them.
10 to a kraken sworn to kill them and all other descendants of a hero who put out one of its eyes hundreds of years ago.
11 to a prophecy in which they are but a minor character, bound but for a moment to deliver a vital message to a key figure.
12 to a draugr, the walking corpse of one they killed truly heinously.
13 to a cursed sword which has damned every one of its bearers.
14 to a prince of such nobility that the viking will forswear their evil ways and join the prince's service.
15 to a thrall who escaped their bondage - at their next encounter they will strike each other down.
16 to a great red dragon, who will burn them and many others in their own little Ragnarök.
17 to a child they orphaned, who will grow into a legend that will far outshine their own.
18 to a valkyrie who wishes to arrange their death in glorious battle, whether they wish it or not.
19 to an island nation that will shatter and sink beneath their feet.
20 with a monk whose monastery they sacked - that monk might defeat them with a stale crust of bread, such is the weight of their vengeance.

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