My sensitive & compassionate girlfriend has been broken up at the news of the death of Bucky the babirusa at the Toronto zoo. This is for her.
You are a babirusa named Bucky. You died before your time, through no fault of your own.
Higher powers decided that this would not be the end for you. You would be returned, in other times, in other places, across vast realities, to do as you would do. You bear the blessings of the heavens with you.
GLOG Class: Heavensent Pig
Equipment: You're literally a pig...
Skills: 1. Barnyard Gymnastics, 2. Truffle-Snuffling, 3. Competitive Slop-Feasting
A: Babirusa, Bring Home The Bacon
B: Sacrosanct Squeal
C: Brain Door Acupuncture, Holy Oil
D: Rampage of the Righteous, Opening the Gate of Truth
Babirusa: You're literally a pig...
Your tusks do damage as a medium weapon. Your oinks & grunts & suchlike vocalizations can be quite expressive. Opposable thumbs? Not here pal, not on these trotters.
Bring Home The Bacon: Every day your luscious flanks grow flesh equivalent to [Templates]x2 rations. These can be pulled harmlessly from your body in the form of meaty dumplings.
At Template B you gain +1 AC for every ration you retain (this doesn't stack with armour (because your fluctuating weight makes properly fitting armour too difficult)), and eating one of your rations heals 1 HP.
Sacrosanct Squeal: Expend one of your daily rations & make a shrill yet mighty squeal. Beings of evil (undead, demons, etc.) within 30 feet must check morale (penalized by your Heavensent Pig [Templates]) or flee - cowering before you if they cannot flee.
Brain Door Acupuncture: Your tusks have grown so glorious
that they have turned back and pierced your brain - pierced it in such a
way as to remove carnal impurities while leaving 93% of your cognitive
capacity untouched.
You are immune to all negative mind-affecting powers, ambiences, and influences.
Holy Oil: Instead of being eaten, your rations provided by Bring Home The Bacon can instead be rendered into lantern oil, which provides a pure and brilliant light, and affects beings of evil as holy water (and sets them on holy fire too if ignited).
Rampage of the Righteous: Spend any amount of rations - immediately charge forward 10x that amount in feet. Any mundane obstacles in your path are plowed through, and any foes flung aside & prone.
Opening the Gate of Truth: When you decide your time has come you can return to the gardens of the heavens, and leave the gate to the hereafter open behind you for just a moment, for another to return. They return in their mortal form in the prime of health, unless they were a real jerk in which case they are dragged out from a hell at 0 HP.