Monday, January 8, 2024

Drinkin' The Game Away; Or: The New Year's Resolution Mechanic Challenge

It's January - for me, it is Dry January. This is my Ramadan, except it's Ramadan for like a mostly-secularized, deracinated Muslim, who prays maybe once a week and eats pork sometimes (though never during Ramadan). My soul thirsts, and only two spirits may quench it - one holy, the other less so.

Prismatic Wasteland has posed a challenge, the New Year's Resolution Mechanic challenge, wherein one must invent a new resolution mechanic. Here is mine:

Ok, so here's how the mechanic works: you've got a shot glass. The shot glass is marked off at quarters, or eighths, or however else you want to subdivide it. You, the player, can ask either how much you want the glass filled up, or what you want it filled with (beer, wine, liquor, 4Loko, Mike's Hard Lemonade, etc.). The DM then either fills it up to the amount you requested (but of a drink of their choice) or of the drink you requested, to the amount of their choice.

The amount, (baseline measurement of 5% beer), is the fraction of the maximum roll on the dice you would've rolled on if you weren't playing this drinking game, which is the result you get. I.E., you're "rolling" a d20, you drink a half-shot of beer, you get a 10, if you're rolling d6 then a full shot of beer's a 6. If the drink's alcohol % is a multiple of 5 then increase your "roll" by that multiple up to the max - if it's higher than the max, you get an overflow bonus (per below). If you prefer a lower overflow bonus than the one you got, you can pick that one instead. If your first roll wasn't high enough for your liking, you can take one more drink. If you pass out your character dies. If you puke you have to clean it up.

Overflow bonuses:

Just a little bit over the max, a little dribble, if you will: Can take a 1/2 max result on your next roll instead of drinking.

1.5x the max: Point to someone. They must name every person's character without pausing, or they have to take a beer shot.

2x the max: You are allowed to choose water for your next drink.

3x the max: Player next to you has to match your next drink.

4x the max: Randomly determine drink type and amount for next person to roll.

5x the max: The DM has to match your next drink. You choose the amount and the type of drink.

6x the max: If another player fills their glass less than the full amount, you can fill the rest with a drink of your choice.

7x the max: Make the DM drink double what you just did.

8x the max: Maximum result on next reaction roll - the monsters are now your drinking buddies.

9x the max: Force another player to use a full-sized cup instead of a shot glass.

10x the max: Everyone has to shotgun a beer. Fastest to finish becomes the new DM.

Do not go higher than 10x the max for your own health and safety.




Pussies & teetotalers don't look below this line:


20x the max: Your character becomes a dragon.

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