Wednesday, February 26, 2025

D6 Texas Chainsaw Massacres

1. A once-popular spot for corporate team-building events in Dallas, the Puma Slayer Axe-Throwing Bar found itself in a tight spot as the market became saturated and interest in its gimmick waned.

To solve this, its owner upped the ante - his club wouldn't just have axe-throwing, it would have chainsaw-throwing. He commissioned the creation of a set of lightweight, gyroscopically-guided, and AI-enabled chainsaws that would let anyone throw them like a pro to facilitate this.

At the new-and-improved Puma Slayer Axe-Throwing Bar's opening night four people were decapitated or de-limbed by a chainsaw which bounced at an unfortunate angle and then just kept bouncing and swinging around the throwing area. Footage of the incident would become a popular shock video.

2. "The Christmas Tree Cutter" is the media's name for a chainsaw-wielding serial killer who targets isolated families during severe winters in Texas, when travel is most difficult and government services and infrastructure most overwhelmed. The killer has attracted enormous attention and speculation from true crime aficionados, as even their shoe size still remains unknown despite the heavy snow cover at the times and places of their attacks.

The most recent winter saw two simultaneous murders in the style of the Christmas Tree Cutter, raising the uncomfortable certainty of an accomplice or a copy-cat inspired by the impunity of the killer.
3. Many have become familiar with the CBRPT cult of meat-worshiping, self-identified "male-to-male transsexuals" since the release of the Netflix documentary about it, but comparatively fewer are aware of its original inspiration: a spree-killing committed by a twelve-year-old child employed in a meat processing plant near the city of Tyler. The child enjoyed employment there at the insistence of their grandfather, a Texas meat baron, who believed it would teach them the value of hard work.

Whether due to severe sleep deprivation, prion infection, or some other factor, the child became obsessed with meat, reading a sort of haruspexic cosmic meaning in the insides of the animals they butchered. Shorty after completing their manifesto/scripture - written on homemade vellum in blood - the child murdered several of their co-workers at the plant before returning home and murdering several of their family members. Their meat baron grandfather paid quite a bit of money to keep that out of the documentary.

4. On March XX of 20XX, the congregation of the Divine Impetus Church in Paris, Texas, was attacked by an American-Israeli man by the name of Shlomo Katz. Shlomo gained entrance to the church while carrying a chainsaw by claiming to be an "emergency carpenter" before using the tool in his attack. Two people were killed and sixteen injured before the church's elderly pastor was able to disarm and subdue the man.
Eyewitnesses report that Shlomo screamed "Jesus was the original Hamas" and "I'll show you who the real Jews are" while swinging his chainsaw, apparently confusing Black Israelites with all black people.
Shlomo was arrested by the PPD, and a month later was released to Israel, where he faced no charges. He would go on to become a popular TV personality there.

5. Aspiring Texas governor Budd Dutt ran on the promise of cutting federal interference out of the state's politics, symbolizing this promise by carrying a chainsaw in ads and public appearances.

This quirk turned to tragedy at a campaign rally in Houston, where small yet functional chainsaws were given out to members of the crowd to rev for applause. Due to some unknown cause, perhaps heatstroke or dementia, one member of the crowd began assaulting the people around them with their mini-chainsaw, which spiraled out across the crowd in mass hysteria as others also began carving people up.
Survivors report that they were convinced they were under attack by secret terrorists or antifa who had infiltrated the rally.
Dutt's gubernatorial campaign would not go on to be successful, though he did enjoy a further 15 minutes of fame as an anti-PTSD social media influencer.
6. After being heckled at the comedy club Comedy Mothership in Austin, an up-and-coming prop comedian leaped into the audience and swung indiscriminately at audience-members with the chainsaw he had been using as part of his act.

A rumour spread like wildfire shortly afterwards which blamed the attack on Mort Chavez, an illegal immigrant known to Austin residents for catching and eating armadillos with his bare hands. Mort would be sent to the Guantanamo Bay concentration camp and later lead an armed uprising within the camp backed by the Cuban Revolutionary Army, which saw it liberated from American control.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Real Jujutsu

Take the GLOG wizard of your choice. Roll a D12 (I'm assuming the wizard you chose has 12 spells it can have, in like a school or something) or maybe a D100 if you're using a list like Skerples 100 orthodox spells:

That's your spell - your Cursed Technique - it's the only one you get.

You get +1 MD per template, like a wizard, but you don't get miscasts or dooms. At template B your MD return on a 1-4. At template D they return on a 1-5. At template C you get Reverse Cursed Technique - you can spend MD to heal their [sum] (but MD so spent don't return to your pool until the next day) or cast the reverse form of your Cursed Technique - figure it out. At template D you get your Domain Expansion. Also for every MD you hold on to you get +1 to-hit & AC so long as you're unarmoured.


So put more legibly it'd look something like this:

Equipment: Japanese street fashion
Skills: Kung fu or whatever
A: 1 Spell, +1 MD, +1 to-hit & AC for every MD you've got stored when you're also unarmoured
B: MD return on 1-4, +1 MD
C: Reverse Cursed Technique, +1 MD
D: MD return on 1-5, Domain Expansion, +1 MD

Domain Expansion (領域展開):

Ok did you watch those videos? You get one of those. You can give it a cool name.

To use: spend however many MD you like - you won't get them back until the next day no matter what you roll. The domain covers a spherical volume with a radius of [dice]x5 feet. Your Cursed Technique affects everyone (or everything, depending on the target of the spell) within this volume at the [sum] you rolled, every round they remain within it. Also they don't normally get a save to resist. You can add a condition like "my Cursed Technique won't affect people I'm touching" to spare your allies, but then other people can take advantage of the condition too. You can't revoke the condition later (it's a binding vow, read the manga).

If two domains come into contact with each other the bigger domain wins, unless one domain's effect is lethal and the other is non-lethal, in which case the non-lethal domain wins.

To get a save against the domain's imbued technique you need something like Falling Blossom Emotion, Simple Domain, or Hollow Wicker Basket (read the manga and make up your own rules).

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

D6x6 Phantoms of the Opera

Phantom of the Opera 1925 full movie youtube here:

Click the button below to get your phantom:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6 This phantom of the opera hides their face with
1 a beaten-gold death mask.
2 the peeled-off, animated faceplate of a Chinese customer service robot.
3 a ratty old sports team mascot head.
4 a yellowed and peeling WWI-era facial prosthetic.
5 a hood of embroidered sackcloth.
6 a gaudishly-painted Venetian carnival mask.
D6 This phantom of the opera hides their face because
1 they murdered their identical twin, and so the sight of their own face fills them with unbearable guilt.
2 of a small scar which they've blown up in narcissistic imaginaning into a terrible deformity.
3 they are wanted by the police for the heinous crimes they committed in a previous life.
4 they feel as though their mask has become their true identity.
5 they are the scion of a distinctively-inbred noble lineage.
6 like wearing a napkin while eating ortolan, they think it hides their sins and pleasures from God.
D6 This phantom is able to remain a phantom in their opera-house
1 because they were trained in the shinobi arts by an exile from Japan.
2 because they're half-ghost - the product of mystical necrophilia.
3 with bribes and intimidation from their criminal empire.
4 because they are a master of disguise and impersonation, and maintain a stable of different identities.
5 because an encounter with an ultraterrestrial being unhinged their mind and unhinged their body from the conventional three spatial dimensions.
6 with their memory-editing psychic powers - powers fueled by the extract of a species of white rafflesia they grow in a secret solarium in their opera-house.
D6 This phantom of the opera lurks
1 in the Sydney Opera House, and the littoral caves beneath it, carved out by wretched immortals symbiotized by a species of anemone of the bleaching Great Barrier Reef - half-living relics of two thousand years and two dozen peoples.
2 in the Zürich Opera House, and the secret Nazi bank vaults hidden beneath it.
3 in the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, and the network of bootlegger tunnels honeycombing its foundations.
4 in the Mikhailovsky Theatre, and the secret dungeon of the Okhrana which stretches from its basement.
5 in the London Coliseum, and the glittering crystal halls in the enormous geode beneath it, created by an angel-summoning experiment of John Dee.
6 in the Teatro di San Carlo, and the nuclear bunker buried deep down underneath it, created for the Operation Gladio successor government set up in case the Cold War went nuclear.
D6 This phantom of the opera is obsessed
1 with organizing a performance of Faust from its original, occult script - which will actually summon a demon.
2 with grooming ingenues into hollowing their egos to become oracles for the powers of the underworld, then selling them off to various nefarious sorcerous circles.
3 with finding a worthy successor by entangling people into grueling, often fatal tournaments against each other.
4 with using harmonics as the key to transforming human consciousness - leaving a string of broken minds in the process.
5 with plunging the country into anarchy by blowing up the opera-house when a critical mass of national leaders attend a sublime performance.
6 with achieving a pharaonic burial - making their opera-house into their magnificent tomb, furnished with many sacrifices to be their slaves in the hereafter.
D6 This phantom of the opera kills
1 with the toxic scents of poisoned perfumes.
2 with a garrotte made from a taxidermied fox tail with a metal wire strung through its vertebrae.
3 with a hammer - a stone hammer, with its head torn from the arch of a doorway of the phantom's beloved opera house.
4 with a saber which once belonged to a heroic ancestor of theirs.
5 with a homemade silenced pistol, which fires pearls as bullets.
6 a single long finger-nail lacquered with layers of iron.

D6x7 Grendels from Outer Space

For 279,936 variations on the movie Outlander.

Click the button below to get your Grendel (from outer space):

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:
D6 Humanity encounters this Grendel from outer space
1 at the first Tahitian settlement in Hawaii, feuding with the Tongans.
2 at an Ethiopian Army camp during the Italian Invasion.
3 at the palace of Atilla the Hun shortly after the Scourge of God's demise.
4 at a peyote retreat catering to Silicon Valley-types in rural New Mexico.
5 at Antananarivo, shortly after King Andrianampoinimerina returned from a victorious conquest.
6 at a garrison fort defending the Great Wall of China at Badaling during the waning years of the Ming dynasty.
D6 This Grendel from outer space has
1 flesh like thickly-bleeding gums studded with metallic teeth, and a bauplan a bit like a capital M, with long, splayed limbs and a dangling torso.
2 hammerhead shark-like sensory projections jutting out the sides of its head, and an ankylosaur-like tail-club.
3 grossly asymmetrical manipulator-limbs like a crab, and a hopping gait.
4 a hide resembling a porous and off-white popcorn ceiling, with criss-crossed fangs that seem like they should make it impossible for it to open its mouth, until you see its jaws unhinge and re-arrange.
5 an S-shaped body, with an eye-lined, bony wheel at the midpoint and curves made of flexible, whip-thin hooks.
6 a body that's a fused pile of rubbery black spheres spheres like big boba, studded with spikes and stubby tentacles.
D6 This Grendel from outer space can
1 camouflage itself to nigh-invisible with cuttlefish-like chromatophores.
2 breath out a cloud of hallucinatory nightmare poison.
3 blast people with plasma from its cybernetic implants.
4 use a macro-scale quantum effect to effectively teleport short distances when unseen.
5 extract memories from the brains of creatures it eats.
6 feel the nerve impulses in your muscles to predict your attacks and other movements.
D6 This Grendel from outer space came to Earth
1 as the first prisoner of the prison colony of an alien civilization - many more like it are in transit.
2 as a research specimen abducted from another world - it escaped when its captors were abducting humans, and forced the ship it was on to crash-land.
3 after accidentally activating a warp-gate seeded on both its world and ours by a precursor-species.
4 as a deserter from a war among the stars, their ship shot full of holes by their own side.
5 as a refugee from a dying world, one of many flung desperately into the cosmos.
6 as a pilgrim touring the sacred worlds of their astrology - unfortunately the nanomachines meant to sustain them on their journey were disrupted by chance radiation, and mutated them into a monstrous form.
D6 This Grendel from outer space wants
1 to implant as many large, warm-blooded creatures with its parasitoid offspring as possible - it's a religious fanatic for something like the Quiverfull movement.
2 to force humans into worshiping its eldritch void god - it's completely insane, even by the relatively lax standards of space.
3 simple things - food, shelter, peace, quiet - it's also an alien super-soldier programmed to react with extreme violence to any perceived threats.
4 to slurp human cerebrospinal fluid, which contains chemicals it is addicted to. Slurping the fluid turns the human it was slurped from into an animalistic, lobotomized thrall.
5 to build an escape pod to get it off this planet - the materials it needs (precious metals, etc.) are most easily acquired from human settlements
6 to capture psychically-sensitive humans and torment them together to make an impromptu interstellar distress beacon to alert its comrades to its location.
D6 This Grendel from outer space's lair
1 is a cave lit by a shimmering crystal - its walls are painted with alien figures and scenes with a strange though undeniable aesthetic quality.
2 holds ramshackle shelves bearing trophies taken from the slain.
3 is half-flooded, the water infested with extraterrestrial piranha-slugs.
4 is layered with a soft and reeking wax which it exudes.
5 is a labyrinthine web of tunnels it carved through a cliff with its own hands, or nearest equivalents.
6 is a booby-trapped citadel of stacked stones and logs.
D6 This Grendel from outer space's mother
1 is a much bigger version of it, hibernating beneath its lair.
2 died some time ago, yet was reincarnated as a human - she is destined to re-encounter her child, and recall memories of her past life.
3 is a psychic star witch - she will torment her child's killer as an interstellar astral projection which can only be fought through spiritual means.
4 was a growth-vat on a nursery-station - when that station's overseer A.I. is notified of the Grendel's death through its implanted biochip it will go mad with rage and cause a lot of problems somewhere very far away.
5 is dead, but the Grendel kept her bones and keeps them in a shrine in its lair - damaging the shrine is a surefire way to drive it to an unthinking fury - stealing the bones would let you coerce it into doing your bidding.
6 is somewhere far off in space, mourning its lost child.

D6 Post-Humans of the Antarctican Future

Goldfish - the snack that smiles back - has experienced a tremendous drop in quality over my lifetime. Not as cheesy, not as salty as they once were, and I'm pretty sure this batch I'm eating now was made with coconut oil. Tastes coconuty.

Anyways, this is for this:, or something like that, or for whatever else.

1. Paramoras (& Plastines)

Once pseudo-naturally pseudo-evolved, now fully domesticated, the paramora is a burrowing animal raised for its meat, but by far its most valuable product is its brain hormones. Paramoras are extreme pair-bonders (most of their time not eating or sleeping is spent hugging their mate) so much so that domesticated paramoras are incapable of raising their own children, being much too concerned with hugging. An extract made from their brain hormones will, in human-derivatives, induce overpowering feelings of love and connection, making it a popular drug.

Paramora-ranching is monopolized by the plastines, a cladoculture which developed as a response to the rampant microplastic poisoning of the Middle Anthropocene - through internal nano-alchemy they gradually replace their biological tissues with plastic analogues. No plastine is considered an adult until they receive their great photovoltaic "wings".

Besides poachers, the biggest threat to paramora ranches in Antarctica are the fungal-symbiotic sporeworms, which can easily catch the creatures in their burrows. Plastine ranchers equip themselves with soap-sprayers, which bind and suffocate the worms in an inescapable membrane, and line their fences with soap-spigots which drip a curtain of the same substance down into the soil.

2. War-Daughters

Creation of the zealots of the Eutheminist Sodality, who believed that no woman should die except by the hands of another woman. War-daughters kill by ejaculating a super-dense shard of bone impregnated with a neurotoxin. Too many such ejaculations tore the combined pelvic floor-diaphragmatic muscles which powered them, and so due to this and their general cumbersomeness the war-daughters never saw much use as battlefield weapons beyond the Sodality. They continue to be born as ceremonial weapons, however.

3. Skykind

Like the plastines - another child of the Middle Anthropocene, tackling the dual problems of Kessler Syndrome growing beyond the ability of laser-brooms to manage, and the collapse of inorganic production capacity. They had different names back then, but now they're skykind.

They are grown to be living components of communication/surveillance networks - getting signals & the lay of the land and transmitting these to each other through bioluminescent semaphore-winks and ultra-sonic whistling. The sound of this whistling - perceivable at the very edge of human hearing range - from an unfamiliar skykind is a sign to stay out of view of the open air.

Their numbers are few now, and few powers can put enough together to make a decent network of them. They weep sometimes, the skykind, and their glowing tears drift to earth, feather-like and jelly-soft. People say they weep for their loneliness, but this is mistaken.

The skykind weep for joy. To fly under their own power, to live that old dream of humanity, is an unspeakable joy.

4. Sporemen

A desperate solution for a desperate time, now despised by many others and adopted as an identity of fierce pride. Back in the day when the tubular and rot-stacked hives of the sporeworms stretched across the continent, some people modified themselves to live in uneasy symbiosis with the worms rather than face being devoured totally.

They allowed the worms' fungi to colonize their lower bodies, and added more legs so that they could still walk even when their legs were in some state of being eaten through, and shared in the bounty of the worms' carrion-middens.

When superior weapons were discovered and the sporeworms' territory pushed back, the sporemen were pushed back with it. This led to a lot of bad blood, and people still get violent over it all the time.

5. The Human Reefs

Sacculina is a genus of barnacles that lives as parasites on and in the bodies of crabs. The parasite drains the host's nutrients from its guts, destroys its genitalia, and alters its hormones, causing it to treat the Sacculina's offspring as its own.

At some point, by some means, this barnacle-parasite made the jump to humans, and in the process got even stranger. It lives in the human brain (the closest region in the human body to the hard-shelled, soft-innarded bodies of crabs) and lives off the ultraviolet superradiance produced by the nervous system, as well as energy from various other quantum effects in the same.

Infested humans congregate so that their resonance can produce even more energy, and root in place to maximize the amount of energy going to their parasite. Over time their bodies wither and harden into coral-like structures.

These "human reefs" can be tapped for power, but the process is risky - exposure to the reef's biophotonics can befuddle and enchant the mind, and make those so exposed seek out infestation by the parasite in order to join the reef. Travelers of the Antarctic steppe would be well-advised to give a wide berth to the purplish "devil-lights" of the human reefs.

6. Deeplings

On a long enough timescale, something will go wrong. That's like, Murphy's Law or something. These guys' ancestors thought it would be fucked up if something went wrong and everyone died, like from a meteor or gamma ray burst or something. It would be better if somebody survived, and if that somebody was them, and if they kept the art and science of humanity preserved along with them.

Their name for themselves means something like "Preservers". They figured the best place to do this preserving was at the bottom of the ocean, so they made themselves into something that could survive there.

They can be pretty agreeable so long as you don't have something they want. If you've been delving into ancient ruins and got some lost hyper-tech or the Mona Lisa, you've got something they want. They'll offer a good price to take it off your hands, but if you refuse they will try quite hard to kill you for it. They've got spies and agents of lots of clades in lots of places, promised the final reward of psychic uploading to a paradise-simulation in their underwater halls for their service.

In the water they breath through their butts, didn't know how to work that into the picture. It's called anal respiration and the Japanese figured out that mammals could do it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

GLOG Class: Sacred Scorpion Dancer

For the assassin bandwagon*.

You are a relic of a time when death did not come so easy as it does today - when the world chafed under the rule of the ever-living.

Your ways are ancient, and still very deadly.

You are a bloodied rival of the Fennec Paw School of martial arts.
(Pah! I want not for water!
Pah! I bat the scorpion at bay!
Pah! You will not find my traces!
Sand and eternity bear them away!)
You were chained in the darkness beneath the temple and made to fight the other acolytes for scraps, until you were skinny enough to slip your manacles.
If you don't make an effort to disguise it your gaze is as hard and unfeeling as an arachnid's.

The holy venom blesses your veins with its fire.
You've slipped the temple, and are now loose in the world.

GLOG Class: Sacred Scorpion Dancer
Starting Equipment: Scorpion-sting stiletto, robes, codename
A: Burning Daylight, Heavenly Stigma
B: Segmented, Scorpion Scissors
C: Deep Cover
D: Pious Brood, Thanatochrysalis
With one template in Sacred Scorpion Dancer you are an expert contortionist - squeeze through any gap that can fit your head.
When fighting an opponent 1-on-1 you get a [Template]/2 bonus to Attack & AC. This increases to a [Template] bonus when you've had a chance to study them - this will apply with any two of: you've seen them fight before this fight, you've read something they've written, you've spent a day observing them, you've heard three eyewitness accounts of them.


Burning Daylight: Multiply your Constitution by your [templates] of Sacred Scorpion Dancer. These are the remaining Years of your life. When you hit zero Years you die, burning up from within from the holy venom.
You can spend Years for bonuses on physical checks on a 1-to-1 basis.
Heavenly Stigma: Spend 1 Year while attacking to leave a wound that never fully heals. It becomes distinctly perfumed, and you can smell it from anywhere in the world.
Spend 1 additional Year to infuse the wound with the effect of any poison you have survived before.

Scorpion Scissors: Wield a weapon while grappling without penalty. If you make an unarmed attack while grappling, your target must make a contested save against you, or else you break one of their limbs.

At Template D if your target fails this save you rip their arm off.


Deep Cover: Wear the accoutrements of another class and spend 1 Year. While doing so you gain that class's Template A abilities, and lose access to your Sacred Scorpion Dancer abilities.
If you get within arm's reach of a target who believes your disguise you can automatically grapple them.


Pious Brood: Request a number of acolytes from the temple - they will be Template A Sacred Scorpion Dancers who obey your orders absolutely. The DM will name a target in the world commensurate your request. Kill the target and your acolyte(s) will arrive 1d6 days later.
You may only have one group of acolytes at a time. Kill or dismiss them to get a bigger batch.

Thanatochrysalis: Expend 10 Years. Name a target. You become one with the holy venom, and erupt from the husk of your former body as a giant scorpion. One sting from you will kill your target, kill their soul and any possibility of their return.

Every day you must move closer to your target, or you will die. They can hear the rhythm of your dancing approaching, even should they drink themself unconscious.
Should you kill them, you will emerge from the scorpion's shell, marked with the name of your target in beautiful, divine script. Reveal this mark to gain a +4 to intimidate and otherwise frighten - all who see it instinctively realize you've erased someone more thoroughly than the gods themselves could.
* Footnote reading ass nerd.
Other assassins:

D6x6 Shapeshifting Reptilian Aliens in the Halls of Power

Click the button below to generate your reptilian:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This shapeshifting reptilian is reptilian
1because they are an actual reptile - a descendant of the sapient and technologically-advanced troodontids who fled from a disaster that threatened life on Earth in a distant epoch.
2because they are a demon, and a relative of the serpent in Eden - the Fall of Man severed humanity from the true and eternal world, trapping us in the retroactively-created natural history of the universe - similarly turning the demon and others like it into members of entire evolved species of (still quite evil) aliens.
3due to transgenic modification - their kind can't survive on Earth naturally and must incorporate the genes of Earth-life to do so - it just so happens that the genes of reptiles are the most compatible.
4only by faint resemblance, due to convergent evolution.
5due to cosmetic surgery, so that anyone who tries to reveal their existence will seem to be an Ickean conspiracy theorist.
6because of a morphic resonance signal broadcast by a reptilian progenitor species - this signal reached Earth as well, leading to the evolution of vertebrates, but a cosmic accident led to mammals usurping the proper dominion of reptiles.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian shapeshifts
1by everting their body and then wriggling into their target's body - digesting the unnecessary internal organs and linking their nerves and circulatory system into the leftover husk to walk it around and sustain it.
2through immersion in a pod they've hidden in their base of operations, which breaks their body down into goo and rebuilds it into the new form.
3by smearing on a coat of nanotechological "clay" that mimics the colours, textures, and temperature of human tissues.
4by putting their target into a coma then attuning to the target's neuro-electrical self-image - if their target ever wakes up or dies, the reptilian loses their form.
5by metamorphosing like a caterpillar, using their skin as a chrysalis. If they lose their shed skin, they lose their ability to shapeshift.
6by rotating parts of their body through higher spatial dimensions until they approximate the desired form - as this can put their insides on their outside, their shapeshifted forms are often surprisingly fragile.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian is on Earth
1to encourage humanity's most rapacious and anti-social tendencies, so as to more effectively produce garmonbozia to harvest.
2to recruit compradors who will manage the Earth after its conquest by the approaching reptilian space-fleet.
3in exile, after crossing the wrong reptilian back home - they seek to surround themself with the finest comforts and security this backwater planet has to offer.
4to discover the fate of an infiltration force that was sent to the planet a century ago.
5to counter the moves of a psycho-electrical Procyonian energy vampire, which can possess people and technology like a demon - its intentions for humanity aren't any better than the reptilian's.
6to assassinate world leaders and foment global anarchy so that the reptilians can swoop in and pretend to be humanity's saviours.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian has infiltrated
1a military base, cultivating a violent cult of personality around themself.
2the entertainment industry, hopping between the forms of performers and agents and producers.
3George Soros's Open Society Foundations, using their position to influence a web of NGOs.
4an infamously litigous biglaw firm.
5a museum, which by chance has amassed some artifacts of latent power.
6a Freemasonic lodge - they were disappointed to find that the Freemasons' power is not what it once was.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian enjoys
1injecting themself with adrenochrome extracted from the pineal glands of terrified children.
2swallowing small furry animals alive & wriggling.
3taking joyrides in its flying saucer & doing cattle mutilations.
4infecting enemies and annoyances with gene-serums that transform them into squamous monstrosities, then letting them loose in the sewers.
5impersonating people's loved ones then gaslighting them into insanity.
6drinking coffee (they get drunk off caffeine) and listening to true crime podcasts.
D6This shapeshifting reptilian can give themself away
1by the nictation of their translucent secondary eyelids.
2by their abnormally low body temperature.
3through their hissing lisp.
4because the condensation from their breath is slightly corrosive.
5through their fear and revulsion of pregnant women.
6through their lack of nipples or a belly button.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Yet More Monsters

Reminded by wasitlikely's recent post: (among other good features of it: witch-as-verb) of her monster generator:, which I attempted to make a post for before but forgot about. Alas:

A House Made of Birds

(Lurker + Family + Mouth
Wounds + Robbed + Bind)

It is good and right and natural that we should eat the dead, and build atop their corpses. The seasons pass, the generations pass, and the past nurtures what comes after. A foundation of bones sits strongly.

Some refuse to become-ancestral, to yield their place in the now to their descendants. Most of these sorts simply continue to age, and age poorly, but a rare few take decisive steps:

They will stake themself to the roof of their house, or in the attic, and sing an old and nasty and thankfully-all-but-forgotten song, without rhymes or tune. Birds will come to listen, and to eat the singer piece by piece. Depending on the size of the birds this could take quite some time, and one must sing the whole time throughout, so one should have alcohol or something stronger at hand to ease the pain. When they are finished the birds wheel through the air, then vanish.

There will be another house there, invisible to most, squatting atop the first. The children and children's children, and so on and so forth of the one who performed the ritual must remain in that first house. It can be renovated, it can be knocked down and built up from the foundations, but it must remain the ritualist's house.

So long as it does, and their kin remain within, the ritualist can swoop through their lives and their bodies raptor-like, influencing and seizing for moments (often appearing in the form of one of the birds that devoured them) to keep their family around, keep them bound to the will of their ancestor. The ritualist's spirit can't be exorcised while leaving the house intact - it's all gotta be burned, and left far behind.

Plum-Wine Conspirators

(Royal + Lamprey + Creeping
Porcelain + Plum + Dagger)

Every empire has its eunuchs - whether their balls are literally chopped off or not is irrelevant - it's the role, the identity that matters, the subordination of libido to the empire.

These guys definitely chopped their balls off though. They keep them in pots, beautiful delicate pots of painted porcelain, steeping in fine plum-wine. Over these pots they perform unspeakable rites - rather, the rites are pretty speakable, just not in polite company.

Within the pots they become generative organs of a different sort. Strain the wine through silk-cloth - see what wriggles through the fibers - pale little things, like worms, like eels. Drink the wine, and you take in the parasites it holds. They weave themselves through your ganglions - they feel luxuriantly soft.

The original idea was that they would found their own dynasty - one assimilated rather than birthed - but the parasites had their own intelligence, their own ideas, in their networks rather than in the individual organisms.

One drink isn't enough to do much more than infest a finger, for a time - cause it to twitch and change the trajectory of an arrow, or a character being written. You need to be plied for months to become a true host.

Over the years many true hosts were made. The parasite-network grew beyond its ability to maintain consensus. The conspiracy splintered, stuck out and into itself. Parasite began preying on parasite, sub-networks lurked hyperparasitical within. The empire they sought to overthrow works better than ever now - a tensegrity sculpture strengthened by the tension.

Hammerers of the Wound-Hoes

(Beetle + Reward + Hill
Sorrow + Butcher + Marrow)

There was coal in those hills, and enough of the finer minerals to keep people looking for them. Still is coal in them - they leak its fluegas through their caves and their mines and their cracks like an angry old man smoking on his porch.

Things were pretty good for a while, a good long while. Mine-work's pretty shit at the best of times, but nobody went hungry. Miners would leave bowls of blood and milk for the things that writhed in the dark behind the stone, and in return those things would knock to guide them to rich veins, and warn them of the build-up of bad air.

Then a mine collapsed. Half a hundred men lost, crushed or cut off and starving, suffocating. In their lonely nightmare, dying in the dark, they called out to the things beyond the stone. The things answered their call, and out of the sight of the sun they tore at each others' flesh and made love.

Those miners are dead now, but their children live on. The hills belong to them now. Hairy coleopteran hunchbacks. They hate light, and covet it. They're masterful smiths, but all they're willing to sell you are weapons - weapons that look wrong, serrated and lumped, but they kill better than most.

The children don't sell this weapons for coin, but for a promise - a promise of corpses, slain by their weapons. For the weapons bear their eggs, and bear their eggs into the wounds they carve, and the eggs incubate in the slain.

But the children's children come out wrong, and the children weep and tear out their hair at the thought that they will be the first and the last generation of their kind. The smithies pour out their smoke, and the corpses keep piling up.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Car Gun Car Fun

I recently & narrowly avoided death by carbon monoxide poisoning, and thus when I see an article like this:

I am exuberant. Eternity is affirmed. It would make for good gaming material.

So what is it exactly?: A rideshare app like Uber, only the drivers are armed & dangerous. Apparently it's meant to be a response to human trafficking. Personally I'd be more, not less, afraid of being human trafficked by my pseudo-taxi driver if I knew he had a gun, but then I don't live in the PvP zone that is Austin, Texas.

Long have I thought that weird gig work would be a wonderful thing to base a modern-set campaign on, whether that be fantasy, horror, or otherwise - see the manga Ura Baito: Toubou Kinshi for an example of how that might be set up - each session you get some job offers, with certain risks and reward levels for each, and in between sessions you get hammered with expenses that push you into more and riskier jobs, over time you get familiarized with the employers, other gig workers as competitors and potential allies, and so on and so on.

A BlackWolf-style app is a distillation of this game mode. You have a car. You have a gun. You have some sort of military/police/security background, and some reason you are doing one of the shittier jobs available instead of sticking with that, or maybe you made up your background and are stealing valour. Maybe you've got some buddies that ride with you. Get someone or something from point A to point B, someone or something that's expected to need an armed escort, yet can't or won't rely on the police or private security or whatever.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

‘Round Trip Back To These Here Parts...


Full-Fair Ladies
1: Cut off their noses as girls and give them to the flesh-fixers, to be preserved and returned to their faces on their wedding day.
2: Dye their hair white, as maturity is associated with skill and discretion in affairs.
3: Wear dresses with cavernous shoulder-extensions that emphasize their collarbones and trapezia, highly-fetishized parts in these parts.
4: Keep the hair from their children's first haircuts to stuff into apotropaic pillows.
5: Know an herb-rite to transfer unwanted gravidborne children into their father's abdomen, and so are given a primacial berth as it relates to such matters.
6: Maintain secret cults and duelist-societies among themselves, charged with honouring the feminine aspects of the gods and discharging familial blood-feuds through ritual combat.

Courteous Knights

1: Inhale asps that coil through a bronchi around their hearts. Should the asp taste the heart turning against the knight’s liege, it will bite down with all the venom it’s got. As a side-benefit, the knights can breathe most poisonous gases without ill effect thanks to the asp acting as a filter, and march into battle with cauldrons boiling off the stuff.
2: Wear a brass ring engraved with a vow. Should they die without fulfilling the vow, and if the ring’s still on their finger (and their finger still on their hand, and their hand still on their arm, and so on) their corpse will rise for a day and a night in pursuit of it, the ring and their veins glowing an incandescent cherry-red.
3: Begin to consume progressively-larger meals of iron sand as they approach the end of their life, paired with internal alchemy practices. The aim of this is to turn themself into an iron colossus, able to go on one last mission for their lord before going still and falling to rust.
4: Wear colourful tatterdemalion and bells on the ends of their boots - for war is a misery and those who wage it are charged with bringing mirth to match the tears they've made others shed.
5: Make a drink similar to kuchikamizake together on the eve of battle, only made of dried and chewed strips of a tuber instead of rice. Those who survive the battle will share the drink and share stories of their fallen comrades. The grips of swords are often roughened and dyed to resemble these strips.
6: Wear their hair long and braid their locks with the same patterns of beads as their steeds' manes - these unique bead-patterns being their heraldry.

Valiant Lords
1: Commission another tier to be added to their crown when they inherit it. The oldest dynasties hunch under the weight of generations of coronations - and to help bear the weight of a ruler's crown is a very coveted position indeed.
2: Rule in pairs, matched at birth, twins ideally but any two will do. Both have their skulls bound, though to different ends and shapes - one for clarity, retention, and depth of long-term memory, the other for quickness and sharpness of wit. They lose in exchange what the other gains, but if performed properly should more than make up for the other's deficiency.
3: Hold court in chambers limned by magnetized pillars - no weapons of metal may be borne within. Violent intrigues are carried out by specialized cadres of assassins trained with weapons of horn and bone, useless for open conflict.
4: Have an overt spouse whose children will inherit their property, and a poison spouse who (if proper) will discreetly share their wealth. As the name suggests the poison spouse is unknown publicly and tasked with unrooting and eliminating the lord's enemies.
5: Place their thrones upon the backs of fearsome beasts, and rule from pastures of anointed & gilded sacrificial cattle - their ability to tame these beasts represents their proficiency at rulership.
6: Make their honour guard out of those who've committed lèse-majesté and suchlike treasons - tortured and artfully lobotomized by the lord's own hand into perfectly obedient slave-soldiers.

Well-To-Do Merchants
1: Tattoo the names of God on the soles of their feet, which go untrod and uncovered. If they must move, they're moved by servants or on ankle-wrapping stilts.
2: Replace their teeth one by one with gold prostheses - the glitter of a merchant's smile is equivalent to his lifetime profitability.
3: Bind themselves to angelic guarantors, manifested as glowing tattoos of chains around their extremities - they have become adept at skirting the limits of their bindings, clinging to the literal wording rather than the spirit.
4: Are required to be eunuchs, to reflect the sterile endeavours of commerce and interest.
5: Will carve a hunk off their fattened sides to fry up and serve when sealing big deals.
6: Measure trades with weights designed to resemble themselves - it's believed that if they make misleading measures, they will starve to gauntness or bloat to lethal obesity accordingly.

Benighted Serfs
1: Wage ceremonial wars against neighbouring villages at the height of summer, counting coup by whipping each other with straps of woven grain-stalks. The winning village is believed to have the favour of the field spirits come harvest-time.
2: Compute taxation amounts through bee-like ritualistic dances, often biasing these calculations in their favour through intimate knowledge (and therefore manipulability) of the steps.
3: Sacrifice their elderly, stringing them up as scarecrows in the field - the birds that taste of these sacrifices are overcome, thereafter serving the community.
4: Not only bring in the harvest but are themselves a harvest - preyed upon at contracted times by vampires or suchlike devourers - at the same time protected from outside predation.
5: Keep a breed of sheep which produces such quantities of lanolin that bees preferentially make hives in their fleece over extruding their own wax, and defend the flocks to the death (though not from shepherds whose scent they're familiar with).
6: Have an purplish tinge to their skin and scleras, from the mildly toxic yet starchy "milk" they make by washing a nettle-like plant - fermented, it makes a palatable, watery wine.

Iniquitous Criminals
1: Must belong to one of a great number of sclerotic and splintered guilds, who on pain of clandestine war can never trespass on each other's turf - the Cutpurses' and Pickpockets' and Swindlers' and Muggers' Guilds are all separate and politely-hostile organizations, for instance.
2: Will never harm a widow, in fact donating some part of their proceeds to their support, thereby gaining a population of informants and shelterers.
3: Are required to get high off their own supply of a drug derived from black lotus extract to ensure their addicted loyalty.
4: Are, after reaching a certain rank, subtly trepanned through their temple - almost impossible to notice even on close inspection, yet will cause brain hemorrhage should they fully bend over. This guarantees that they will bow to no one, on pain of death.
5: Pay a fat percentage of all their illicit earnings to the King of All Cats, and in return are granted the privilege of using his extradimensional alleyway home as an escape route - though the favour of a cat can never be fully relied on.
6: Practice a subtle and particular language composed of cricket-like chirps produced when they rub their specially-notched fingernails just so.

Learned Scholars
1: Eat nothing with a brain, out of the belief that unlearned thoughts from their food might outcrowd their own - however they file their teeth, as they make an exception for the offensively ignorant.
2: Submerge themselves in logico-aesthetically artificial ponds with nothing but a hollow reed for air and ducks for company - and when they dream sub-aquatically they pluck those ducks for the quills they'll use to write their oneiric revelations.
3: Desiccate the brains of their forebears into hard little walnuts, and then pack these into ceremonial rattles which keep the beat of their memory-songs.
4: Keep a private language-device of piercings and intertwining stitch-threads for confidential records - like a lukasa of living flesh instead of wood.
5: Have one eye put out, so that they can still read but can't apply their reading to violence.
6: Write everything in cipher - the exoteric meaning of their work remains the real meaning, the encoded stuff is just chaff to occupy wizards and other such fools.

Pious Priests
1: Induce serious cases of pectus excavatum in themselves by weaving an iron bar through their ribs. In the cavity so created they set a small shrine to their patron deity.
2: Work the bodies of the sinful dead barred from graveyards into marionettes and put on pedagogical morality plays with them.
3: Consume a special diet when they are close to death, which turns their sweat into incense. When their time finally comes they work up a coating through intensive and esoteric exercises before setting themselves alight.
4: Join hands and dance in circles, each priest singing a single syllable of a mantra repeatedly, together becoming a prayer wheel made of people.
5: Know magical rites to transform the viscera of sacrificed animals into unique and useful plants - the kidneys of a lamb into flowers which produce nectar like little fountains, for instance, or the heart of an ox into a capillary nexus which can irrigate an entire field.
6: Pray in a headstand, to cause more blood to flow to their crown - their connection to the cosmos, to the divine. The devout - or those seeking to appear as such - possess abraded and calloused tonsures.

Rowdy Sailors
1: Set cloth dolls on beaches in the hope that should they end up overboard they too will be washed safely ashore.
2: Worship the main mast of their ship as a divine phallus, carving it with sacred iconography and parading it through port after long voyages.
3: Keep an owl on-ship in the belief that the night-birds will recognize the stars to lead them home when all other navigational methods fail.
4: Scrape barnacles from the hulls of their ships and work them into protective amulets.
5: Wear hooded ponchos of manta ray leather.
6: Make amphibious assaults with flambuoyant skirts of cork-wood.

Starving Artists
1: Wear hairshirts made from hair donated by the fans, patrons, and lovers, to spur them on to greater creative heights. Lesser-known artists make do with just a scarf, or a wristband.
2: Operate food carts selling colourfully (and dubiously!) spiced concoctions to drunkards, collecting their vomit to boil down into pigments.
3: Launched a sculptors' crusade some years ago into the bowels of the earth, and a few are trickling back now with bizarre scars and a fortune in rare stone.
4: Are forced to make a living dying and weaving the beautiful and distinctive garrotes of the moonblood assassins.
5: Will, in desperation, sell themselves to temples, being given the resources to make their masterpiece in return for being sealed inside it as an unliving idol of the temple's god.
6: Support themselves through the sale of beautifully-molded clay cakes, a favoured treat of children and pregnant women.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

D100+ Slainey Taunts

Been reading the comic Slaine. It's pretty good. Think I got the notion from Shuttered Room: - one of those blogs you don't really hear about but is worth a read-through.

Click the button below for your taunt:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here: