Monday, January 20, 2025

Slush Pile 12

Previously, on slush pile:

Slush Pile 1

Slush Pile 2

Slush Pile 3

Slush Pile 4

Slush Pile 5

Slush Pile 6

Slush Pile 7

Slush Pile 8

Slush Pile 9

Slush Pile 10

Albino sewer crocodiles are actually troglodytic descendants of dinosaurs that survive the meteor impact in caves, emerging into the lower-delving works of humans and preying on them

Monsters which coordinate/communicate with pheromones - figuring out what the smells of turpentine or cinnamon mean to them, retreat or ambush or whatever, is key to dealing with them, and the scents could be replicated to manipulate them

Osedax-men who gained a taste for human bones from drowned sailors, draped in the deboned wet flesh of their prey to breath on land

"The flesh's revenge against the spirit"

From Sneewitchen: Elder care drones controlled mentally by the elderly themselves - labour-saving method - tragedy ensues in cases of senility

Starving scholar locked into cangue he's using as a writing desk, trading theses for food

Pirate ships that sail windsock animal kites instead of sails, moved to motive power by those animals' spirits - a tiger-flying ship able to pounce right out of and across the water, for instance

The curse of cursed items manifesting not as a malus to stats or somesuch but as a recurring figure or narrative

Oopart: An out-of-place artifact, found in an unusual context, challenges the conventional historical record

Corniche: A road on the side of a cliff or mountain, with the ground rising up on one side of the roadway and falling away on the other

The only people damned for good are the ones who take the form of suckered flies and drink up a drop of Christ's blood as he's strung up on the cross, the drop of blood that was shed for their sins specifically

Noir plot: cosmetic surgery clinic secretly harvesting sperm & eggs from celebrity clients, selling to super-fans - silence bought from celebrities who find out with promise that children can be harvested for organs - promise probably bullshit

Treasure: Mummified hand with curling horn sprouting from the stump of its wrist

Phantom time but real, people and events within the expanded section of history tesselating and tearing apart into cross-temporal twins

Derecho: A widespread, long-lived, straight-line wind storm that is associated with a fast-moving group of severe thunderstorms known as a mesoscale convective system

Icarus parasite - wings that graft themselves to your back and fly you up to God knows where

Yhanzeng... that'd make a good name for somewhere...

-Callivance/calavance = soybean
-Okara: Tofu byproduct consisting of fiber, protein, and starch left over when soy milk has been extracted from ground, soaked soybeans
-Ganmodoki: Pseudo-goose
-Grashros: Kill the mountain of despair

A field where dead things grow...

Dirtshriven - cult that worships the triple airs, seek to scourge the lower elements of their body out to become winds

Monster whose victims disappear, from sight, from memory - perhaps hinted at only by the smell of rot... is this just the false hydra..? aw beans...
-maybe everyone knows who the victim is, like a psychic broadcast warning/territorial marking
-creepypasta cinematic universe wherein slenderman teams up with the false hydra to fight jeff the killer
-false hydra larvae squealing in the veins, hiding the assassin's hand...

Gods are stories, or masses of stories, about love and war and lies and whatever else - the stars are their medium - fate is a tale told first among stars, then performed by mortals

From Caveat: Drumming monkey (or somesuch mechanized stuffed toy) used as detection method for unnatural things & phenomena - when and how long the monkey drums being indicators

From Leprechaun in the Hood - magic item with tie to monster, unkillable except through exceptional means - perhaps totally unkillable, only able to be petrified or somesuch for an indefinite period - anyways, every time the item is used the monster knows where & when, slowly or swiftly closing in each time to reclaim it

Not Hollow Earth - Hollowed Earth - Deep Underground Military Bases, the tunnels of bootleggers driven mad by a bad batch, hyperloop tunnels that were half-complete before the founders ran with their bags, desperately deep strategic rare earth mineral mines, geothermal power wells that never got the power extraction pipes stuck in them, etc. - all interconnected somewhere, home to madmen & mad life, perhaps surviving humanity in general forced into its depths by the hostile surface

From a dream: A parade, the crowd lugging stone sarcophagi & wooden coffins, the scent of corpses covered by incense, perfumes, flowers - the scents are wafted by fans towards the priests in the parade, who will carry the souls of the dead to their gods

Mass-produced haunted house - in suburban development, all houses built on same plan become haunted by same ghosts - sort of analogous to genetically-identical organisms being vulnerable to same disease - chaos spreads throughout the suburb, difficult to track down and resolve original haunting, perhaps everyone killed by the haunting becomes ghost involved in it until critical mass of anti-life is reached
-Tangent: Gaudi-esque architect makes famous apartments, government buildings, etc. - all occultly designed & placed to warp space within and between them - walk through a maintenance tunnel in one, pop out another miles away - danger is that they connect through a truly interstitial space home to its own hungry denizens... very big things that can fold themselves up very small... they knock out your teeth and slither up through the holes into your marrow... your skin looks covered in vaseline but this is your marrow that's been forced out...

A drug made from the black bile of those who've learned to dream like bears, for months in caves while their spirits wander the unconscious world

"Adobo" of chicken adobo came from adouber, to dub a knight

Butterflies retain their memories from when they were caterpillars - alien species similarly metamorphosizing, but route to sapience from merging while coccooned into shared-memory-intellect soup, extending half-formed antennae to broadcast collective intelligence to drone-like young & full adults - this will be the third slush post with a bit almost identical to this in it

Beautiful painted origami-men who speak in buzzing whispers - they eat peaches by the bucketful, disgorging the wasps within them onto the fruit

The flamingo-knights of the Boiling Baths have exquisite poise - they meditate standing on platforms above the killing-hot pools of their homeland, and slip in to their deaths or scarred maiming should their concentration falter for a moment. They do not worship the flamingos, though they do venerate them for their endurance and grace - they worship a great green serpent, and laugh at those whose gods are not flesh and bone, for when they die they are fed whole and armoured to their god to make it stronger, and their armour is tempered in its bile and collected when excreted, rosy and pitted and greatly hardened.

This came to me in last night's dream: guys who hated so much for so long that they self-mummified and became a sort of undead - the long, slow heat of their hate cooked out all moisture in their bodies, and the build-up of piss and vinegar and other such acridities in their tissues pickled them at the same time. In the dream they had bird-heads and (un)lived underground.

An old man carrying an infant. He has soaked his beard in milk, and the infant is suckling its tip. If you find a suitable home for the infant then the old man will fight to the death for you to prove he is not a coward.

Forge a nest of iron, spring-trapped, laid with false eggs, and set it in a tree. When a cuckoo comes to place its offspring in the nest, spring the trap - the cuckoo will be forced to obey you so long as you keep its child encaged. This is one way to gain yourself a familiar.

Lanthorn: Archaic word for lantern - horn panels - good monster name? maybe

Eisegesis: Reading yourself into a text

Big monster of the region, dragon-equivalent, is elusive - all encounters with party are actually spoor, but its presence prevents rest, drives off merchants & hirelings & suchlike useful NPCs, etc. - spoor gives clues to its habits, lair, diet which can be used to determine perfect bait to lure it into an ambush

Story idea: Old man in zombie apocalypse - classic slow shoot in the head zombies, functional military is able to handle them pretty easily, but martial law declared, no more pension :^/ can't work can't survive :^\ old & disabled people pretty fucked and struggling on the margins of civilization where zombies still roam and because they're old and feeble the zombies are still a big threat

Ok so it's like the Chinese new year where every year has an animal but for this it's not the same 12 animals you have to track down and sacrifice a legendary animal so it can become the next year and the world doesn't end - maybe just one village has this calendrical custom and the new year is coming up and they're convinced that there is a shapeshifting beast among them - perhaps you!

Sandbox Set-up: Ogre mercenaries used to smash duchy or somesuch by rival - very successful, but now the rival's welching on their payment - the ogres have settled in as tyrants and are starting to squabble among themselves - each has flamboyant and voracious personality, lots of levers to turn them against each other or to whatever other end - Godlove the Penitent: morbid, paranoid, believes every day will be the day he dies - tattooed head to toe with scripture, keeps a priest chained to his belt, strongly inclined to believe any prophecy he hears - Slobbergall: generous with gifts, never lets you forget a debt, bad poet, mouthful of golden teeth he has to pry out and reshape when they get deformed from chewing, in love with local maiden and attempting to charm her & her parents in never-ending feast they can't leave by rules of hospitality, phobia of dogs - and so on and so forth - Wyrmskein

Monster songs don't rhyme - Seasons of Belief

Desert nomad culture - no camels/horses - their tents can be reconfigured into oversized hang-gliders, soar on the hot updrafts rising off the sands

Little glowing spots in splashes of sea-foam - bioluminescent snail larvae, will colonize your lungs - little glowing spots in your coughed-up phlegm, glowing red like fire, like gold, like blood - bloated bodies in the surf, gulping up seawater, gouting out glowing motes, cocooned in haggish mucus

Alien that inflates with buoyant gas when impregnated, or whatever alien analogue of such, drifting with the wind to their ancestral spawning ground - maybe keystone species? disaster when human colonization or native sapient industrial development or volcanic eruption or whatever else disrupts wind patterns

Warp-spasm as early account of hysterical strength - eye popping out and body twisting indicative of musculature going beyond its neural limit - perhaps culture with auto-hypnotic, entheogenic, etc., technique of inducing this hysterical strength

An oyster-prince comes to hate the surface world, the surface folk, and this hate becomes the seed irritant of a majestic pearl, lovely as it is cursed, tempting treasure of the prince's palatial shell

From Slaine: Weapons quenched in heroes' blood
-evil sorcerers whose dark studies have caused their skin to slough off, emit awful stench, their bodyguards must wear special filter-masks
-a sword which does not cut - flesh and matter open before its blade to receive it

Seals vocalize in the same manner as people, and can be taught to sing

GLOG class where you play mob of zombies or somesuch infectious creatures, can bite or claw or whatever to swell in numbers/HP in short term with long term limit based on templates - going over limit puts rogue zombies on the encounter table and so on


  1. Horde-as-class is a concept deserving of being unslushed, really--we've had plenty of multiple-entity-character classes, but they're all on the comedic side.

  2. Good slush as always. These were my favs:

    Noir plot
    Icarus Parasite
    Not Hollow Earth
    Mass-produced haunted house
    Zombie GLOG Class (always have been a fan of "multi-character characters")

  3. “Drumming monkey (or somesuch mechanized stuffed toy) used as detection method for unnatural things & phenomena - when and how long the monkey drums being indicators”

    My GURPS After the End campaign had wastelanders set up banging cymbal monkey toys as noisemaker traps (shout out to Fallout 4). Complete with red light up eyes.

    “Monster songs don't rhyme”

    Are we talking songs sung by monsters, songs that are monsters themselves, or both?

    1. WRT the Grither song it is a song sung by a monster (the Grither) - song that is a monster also good - had idea for monster that first appears in spoor as leitmotif or somesuch and becomes more physical/present the more you pay attention to it - would be tricky to actually run.
