Wednesday, January 1, 2025

D6x6 Lonely Lake Monsters

Click the button below to get your lake monster:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This lake monster looks like
1a classic plesiosaurian.
2a ningen out of Japanese urban legend, a pale and flabby mermaidish thing of giantish stature.
3a great serpent, or eel, or worm, no feature distinguishing enough to comfortably identify it as one or another.
4some bastard offspring of nautilus and sea urchin, tentacled and spiny.
5the ambiguous rotten sludge of a globster, bones juxtaposed in exo- and endoskeletal positions.
6a limbless, eyeless toad or newt of gargantuan size, a warty gaping hulk.
D6This lake monster is
1a shadow-organism which slipped through a crack in the lakebed to a deep aquifer-biome.
2a forgotten god, and without regular contact with humanity it has dwindled in power and lost its human form.
3the result of an epigenetic metamorphosis implanted in early humanity by agents unknown, and triggered in an unfortunate swimmer by an improperly-disposed-of Cold War-era bioweapon.
4an extraterrestrial entity whose impact into the planet first carved out its lake.
5something that was originally an actual hoax, but initial belief in it provided the "skin" for a Qlippothic unentity to wear in reality.
6the monstrous child born to a cursed local family of some renown, spared infanticide by its pitying aunt.
D6The lake where this lake monster dwells
1sits in a maar, and is unusually warm & sulphurous.
2was extended into a jagged line by water seeping into a tectonic rift.
3is regularly roiled by winds into devastating waves.
4is far deeper than it is wide, plunging to lightless and lifeless depths.
5is home to a libertarian crew of pseudo-seasteaders who maintain a settlement on a clutch of lashed-together boats and pontoons and adrift docks.
6is choked with algae bloomed from agricultural run-off.
D6Reports of this lake monster are typically blamed on
1an escaped circus elephant that went for a swim.
2a crashed hot air balloon.
3the homemade submarine of an eccentic millionaire.
4a tree toppled and blown into the lake by a heavy wind.
5fish that got out from a now-defunct fish farm which once operated in the lake, the stock of which were given an experimental growth hormone.
6inconsiderate scuba divers.
D6This lake monster exhibits the anomalous ability
1of an infrasonic groan that drives those who hear it into a paroxysm of thirst, driving them to shove their heads into toilets or leap into the lake to slake it.
2to control the water around it, as well as the watery weather - clouds & fogs & suchlike, but not so much winds.
3to inject people with a virus that turns them into subservient hybrids.
4to subconsciously influence people who sleep near its lake through their dreams.
5of being able to exhale a cloud of suffocating poison.
6of psychic shapeshifting - not actually changing its physical form, but changing in the perception of others into any organism that inhabited its lake.
D6This lake monster is studied by
1a tweed-clad & stuttering local folklorist who is secretly a serial killer who drowns their victims (mostly tourists) to appease the monster.
2the ex-hippie leader of a group of gross old swingers, who believes the monster to be an avatar of the feminine power of water and the age of Aquarius.
3a marine biology student who doesn't quite believe in the monster, but thinks promoting it is a good way to raise awareness of aquatic ecosystems.
4the research team of a biopharmaceutical company, operating illegally in the belief that the profit they could make off the monster far outweighs the risk of bypassing government regulation.
5a rising star artist who exclusively paints glimpses he's caught of the monster.
6a Catholic priest who believes it to be a devil which slipped out of a river of Hell, and seeks to exorcise it.

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