You're a specialist in wards, protections, and bindings. If there's an evil that's been sealed away for a thousand years it was probably an abjurer that did it. Might've even been your master's master's master. Abjuration's not as flashy as throwing fireballs, but someone's gotta do it.
Starting Equipment:
Wool cloak, ceremonial silver lock and key, apotropaic amulet
You can invest a spell into a physical token no bigger than your fist, and set the spell to go off once the token has met a specific condition*. Tokens don't last longer than a day. If a token's destroyed then the spell and any magic die used to cast it are lost.
* Condition must be something you personally could observe if you were at the token's position, no setting them to go off if P=NP.
If you personally initiate violence (e.g. sneak attack, duel challenge, etc.) then you lose a magic die. Provoking someone into attacking you is fine.
1. Stretch a strand of your hair across a threshold. You'll receive a mental alarm sufficient to wake you up if the hair is crossed.
2. Tell at a glance if someone or something is magically protected.
3. If you cup something completely in both hands and whisper magic words to it, it cannot harm you so long as you continue to do so, whether it be a lump of burning coal, or poison dart frog, or whatever else.
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1 for a day.
2. Spell affects you instead of its intended target.
3. You become unable to see or hear beyond any threshold (doorway, your own barriers, etc.) for an hour.
4. Paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.
5. You're flung out the nearest exit of the room you're in. If you're not in a room it happens the next time you enter one.
6. Any conditional spells you've set up go off simultaneously.
1. Your soul's resistances weaken. Automatically fail any saves vs. magic and possession for the next day.
2. The weakening spreads to your entire being. Fail all saves for the next day. You also become homo sacer, without legal protections, for the same time. Anyone who sees you recognizes this. It's essentially a one-person Purge (like the movie franchise).
3. You become a pariah to the universe. You can own nothing. You can never remain in one place long enough to rest. The law will not recognize your humanity. Fate sees it so. Anyone who shelters you or stays by your side will start to suffer the same effect as long as they do.
1. Stasis
2. Barrier
3. Sanctuary
4. Deflection
5. Clear the Air
6. Against Prying Eyes
7. Iron Binding
8. Enfolding Seal
9. Return to Sender
10. Expand Space
11. Guardian Spirit
12. Absolute Territory
1. Stasis
R: touch
T: creature or object
D: [sum] rounds
Touched target becomes locked in time, unmovable (relative to the world's surface) and invincible for the duration. Creatures get save to resist.
2. Barrier
R: touch
T: class of creature or individual
D: concentration
Draw a line in a soft surface or with sprinkled powder and name a class of creature (goblins, birds, etc.) or an individual. To these targets the line will act as a solid, invisible wall with either [sum] HP if a class of creature was named, or [sum]x[dice] if an individual was named. All attacks against the barrier automatically hit.
3. Sanctuary
R: 50 feet
T: [sum] HD of creatures
D: 10 minutes
Affected creatures must save to attack one another. A creature that makes its save is not longer protected by the spell. You may include yourself in the affected creatures without spending any [sum].
4. Deflection
R: touch
T: self
D: [dice] rounds
You can deflect the next [dice] non-magical attacks aimed at you onto another creature within touch range. If there are no eligible targets the spell has no effect.
5. Clear the Air
R: 20 feet
T: volume
D: [dice] rounds
Within [sum]5x5x5 feet volume any liquids or contaminants are gently pushed aside until only breathable air is left within the area. Deals [sum] damage to fluid or gaseous creatures if cast inside them.
6. Against Prying Eyes
R: touch
T: area up to [dice]x5 feet in diameter
D: [sum] rounds
Creatures outside the area must save or become physically unable to look at it, even in their peripheral vision.
7. Iron Binding
R: touch
T: point
D: [sum] minutes
An iron chain [dice]x20 feet long erupts from a point you touch. You can choose to have one end bolted to a solid surface. When the chain emerges you can use it to tie something within its length up with a ranged grapple attack. After the spell runs out the chains crumble to rusty dust.
8. Enfolding Seal
R: touch
T: object or creature
D: 1 hour
Lay a sheet of paper, blanket, or similar surface on or below a creature or object no bigger than 10x10x10 feet. That target is then folded up inside the surface, effectively existing in a pocket dimension for the duration of the spell. Unfolding the surface or damage to the folded surface immediately breaks the spell. Creatures get a save to resist.
9. Return to Sender
R: 20 feet
T: [sum] HD of hostile summoned or magically created creatures and constructs
D: [dice] minutes
Creatures that fail their save are turned against the one who sent them against you with the same level of hostility. Particularly loyal creatures get a bonus to their save equal to their HD.
10. Expand Space
R: 20 feet
T: two points
D: Concentration, up to [dice]x2 rounds
is warped so that the distance between two points within 20 feet of you
and each other is increased by [sum]x5 feet. This distance is only
experienced when moving between the two points, moving sideways between
them isn't affected.
11. Guardian Spirit
R: Touch
T: Animal figurine
D: [dice] hours
Place down an animal figurine. If the real animal's HD would be equal to or less than [dice]x2 then a guardian spirit in the form of that animal will be summoned. The spirit will guard an area up to 50 feet across, and attempt to non-lethally subdue any trespassers who you have not designated as guests. The spirit can see the invisible and the true form of shapeshifters. If the figurine is moved from its initial spot the guardian spirit is banished.
12. Absolute Territory
R: self
T: 10 feet diameter sphere
D: 10 minutes or until area is left, or see below
Choose up to [dice] abstractions or forces (death, gravity, magic, etc.). A 10 feet diameter bubble is created around you wherein those things effectively don't exist. You are not protected from any side effects this might have. If you invest 4 dice into the spell then it lasts until you leave the area. Explosions, radiation, and the like from removing the strong nuclear force or whatever will not pass beyond the area of the bubble even after it drops.
This is quite excellent & I hope to hack it into my own game.