Thursday, January 5, 2023

D100+ Martial Arts Schools

Found an English translation of Suruga-jō Gozen Jiai the other week, which I had been searching for for many years. It was a Christmas miracle.

Special thanks to Max, Kyana, Phlox, and deus ex parabola for help brainstorming this generator.

Click the button below to generate your very own martial arts school:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:


  1. I like the changes you've made since we talked about it before, definitely feels more well rounded now. These are all really cool, you could easily just whip up a few of these and jump right into a martial arts tournament and run with it.

  2. Very good stuff! I could see using this for Electric Samsara

    This martial arts school teaches the Water-Slicer style, which focuses on distracting flourishes and dance-like movements, followed by striking in the moment one break's one's own rhythm.
    This school was founded by a hermit who claimed to have been taught the style by supernatural beings.
    This school's reputation is fearsome yet unpleasant due to its deadly feud with another school that has taken the lives of many people caught in the crossfire.
    This school's formal philosophy is that the default state of the world is of merciless conflict, and that harmony must be imposed at the point of a sword.
