Saturday, June 1, 2024

D6x6 Space Elf Aliens

Like eldars or vulcans or protoss, or uh they're probably in Spelljammer too.

Click the button below to generate your space elf aliens:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

Special no thanks to former friends of the blog Phlox and deus ex parabola, who were implored to help with brainstorming this post yet failed to respond in an adequate amount of time.

D6 These space elf aliens kind of look like
1 crystal chandeliers crawling about on translucent goose-feet, each crystal bulb holding a different arrangement of glowing gossamer organs within.
2 osseous hourglasses with a single crevice in their shell serving as eye, mouth, and cloaca, and an array of limbs as varied and specialized as the cutlery at a Victorian feast.
3 floating, bubbling chrysalises that extrude globular pseudopods from frill-like vents.
4 futurist statues made out of quivering head cheese.
5 eyeless solifugae with a cluster of coral polyps growing out of their backs.
6 gracile, five-legged stags or moose whose pearlescent antlers are segmented graspers.
D6 These space elf aliens are thought of
1 as master craftsmen, who've made wonders that wars have been fought over.
2 as living bogeymen, things which stepped out of stories that rightly belong to a pre-spaceflight era.
3 as sages whose understanding of history and the cosmos is unsurpassed.
4 as proud and aloof elite warriors.
5 as a bunch of smug jerks.
6 as enigmas who can never be fully understood or trusted.
D6 These space elf aliens live
1 in gargantuan wandering torus-ships, each a thriving ring-world lit by a fusion reactor-star.
2 within an ecumenopolitic pocket dimension, the laws of physics within subtly tweaked to be more favourable to their species. This dimension's gate-outposts are mistaken for marvellous capital cities by many.
3 in manses on vast re-wilded estates on paradisical worlds, often tastefully decorated with the ruins of those who lived there before.
4 mostly in simulated universes powered by Dyson swarms - only their lowest and highest castes are ejected to tend to concerns in reality.
5 in heavily-guarded spire-enclaves among other species, depending on those species for the provision of basic goods and materials.
6 mainly in the same solar system they evolved in, each planet and moon painstakingly terraformed into a life-bearing body.
D6 These space elf aliens' technology
1 primarily takes the form of ambient nanotechnological fog, powered and controlled by broadcast-spires, and brainscanning antennae-crowns worn by individuals.
2 has no clear demarcation between metallic machinery and organic symbiotes - their bodies integrate into it effortlessly and seamlessly.
3 is based on refracting light through hypercubic crystals to create "hard" holograms and warp space.
4 is focused on biological and psychological augmentation - the manufacture of heroic individuals.
5 can manipulate time itself, to a degree - freezing it, slowing it, accelerating it, destroying it.
6 is fitted with self-destruct mechanisms which activate if it's seized by people with the wrong bio-code.
D6 These space elf aliens' civilization
1 is ageless yet senescent, jaded and ravenous for novelties. They abduct younger species for amusement, and to render them down into a sort of recreational stem cell treatment that restores passion and vigour.
2 is patronizing and chauvinistic, attempting to domesticate "lesser" species into pets at best, or exterminating entire civilizations as vermin at worst.
3 is generally benevolent but religiously zealous, attempting to convert the cosmos to their One True Way.
4 is dominated by rigid traditionalism and ancestor-worship that has locked them into a (very advanced, relatively) stasis.
5 is paranoid and cryptic, forever warning of and taking violent measures to ward off a threat they won't or can't fully explain.
6 once considered themselves the guardians and mentors of younger species, but over the ages have been battered by disaster after catastrophe and so grown resentful and jealous of their charges.
D6 These space elf aliens are rivalled by
1 another sect of their species, who bear diametrically-opposed values.
2 a coalition of battle-thralls and war-bots that escaped their control.
3 a member of the species that uplifted them in eons past, and wove themself into the fabric of reality as essentially a demi-god.
4 a sapient, psychic STD they created and spread during a decadent phase of their existence.
5 a species of interstellar "dragons", able to fly between stars and incinerate worlds with their plasmic flame.
6 a dwindling race of nebulous titans who have been around since the first moments of time itself after the Big Bang.


  1. Are these going in your Planescape game too? This is brilliant, you didn't need those losers Phlox and Deus Ex Parabola to help.

    1. More for this Tableated Sci-Fi Universe I've made some stuff for... may use them for sandbox-type thing at some point... I like the name "The Tourmaline Strand" for it...

    2. Nice- just seen you've posted Space Empires, shaping up nicely. Weren't we going to collaborate on a Space Dwarfs thing a while back?

    3. You could tell me I agreed to give you one of my kidneys at some point and I'd probably believe it, but yeah that rings a bell will dig around for it... good timing for it with season 5 of hit space dwarf videogame Deep Rock Galactic coming out...
