Sunday, June 30, 2024

D6x6 Interesting Ibixians

Ibixians are official D&D goat-people.

Click the button below to generate your ibixians:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here: 

D6These ibixians resemble
1Bagots, with broad and swooping horns, black heads, and white bodies.
2Damascus goats - very cute while young, horrendously ugly when mature.
3Dutch Landraces, with long beards and shaggy coats.
4Angora goats - they've got coats of wooly mohair.
5Nigerian Dwarfs - they're just little guys.
6Kamoris, with long ears and calico-like fur colouration.
D6These ibixians live
1as mountainfold herders who sometimes sweep down into the lowlands in great bleating war-parties.
2in cities that are downright hostile terrain to humans, full of precarious slopes and ledges.
3in hidden vales and the dark hearts of forests, committing atrocities for the pleasure of their demon-god Baphomet.
4in a literally parallel society - horizontally parallel to be exact - in narrow towers and the walkways between, due to obscure and ancient law regarding permissible ratios of land ownership (Goat Tower).
5as anarcho-primitivist guerillas undermining the works and strictures of civilization.
6as slash-and-burn grazers - they slash your livestock to fertilize the ground and burn your fields to make room for delicious grasses.
D6These ibixians
1shave criminals and make of their wool shame-garments.
2chew the shoots of a sort of blue bamboo, which grants them euphoria and sonourous belches.
3coat the horns of their ancestors in clays and resins to make them conduits to the otherworld.
4make hollows in their hooves which they fill with beads to enhance the music of their dancing.
5find eating meat to be the height of barbarity, a sure sign of an irrational mind.
6include the elongated (murine?) pupil as a common motif in fabrics and jewelry.
D6These ibixians view goats
1essentially the same way we see monkeys.
2as a lost tribe of their kind cursed for some misdeed.
3as their exclusive property, and human goatherds as bastard thieves.
4as shameful hook-ups.
5as artifacts of a previous, unfinished cosmos.
6as potential family - they can turn goats into more ibixians by feeding them special concoctions.
D6These ibixians go into battle
1with shields painted with their personal sigils, and edges they've chewed up in their fighting frenzies.
2with long lances they use in leaping attacks.
3to the beat of drums stretched with the skin of their slain enemies.
4strapped with smouldering pots - if they're struck with a blow that smashes a pot, toxic fumes billow out around them and their opponent.
5wielding tall and wickedly-hooked falxes.
6directly only when cornered - they prefer using their superior mobility to harass and ambush.
D6Ibixian is a lame name, instead these guys are called
1the Horned Men.
4the get of Tanngrisnir.

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