Monday, February 4, 2019

D20x5 Men With Guns To Come In Through A Door

“When in doubt have a man come through a door with a gun in his hand”

-Raymond Chandler

Automatic random generator generator:

D20This man appears:
1With bandages covering his face and hands. If pulled away, the flesh underneath is revealed to be unevenly flensed.
2Shirtless, painted with war-woad in the patterns of his ancestors.
3Shrouded in hood and runed robes.
4Dressed as a clown or mummer.
5In ash-painted face and the clothes of a doctor.
6Armed and armoured as a knight of old.
7With a heavy beard and a cloak of musty furs.
8In a vest of poorly-dyed wool.
9On fire. Low-smouldering at first, growing over rounds into a blaze.
10Swarmed by bees.
11Dressed in the finest silks.
12Wearing another man’s skin.
13With a wizened face and bleeding eyes.
14In a felt mascot costume.
15As the mirror image (reversed on a left-right axis) of someone in the room.
16In a flash of light and noise.
17Looking like they just got out of a food fight.
18In a gimp suit.
19With each piece of clothing either too big or too small for them.
20Butt naked.
D20This man’s gun:
1Is jury-rigged from bones, rusty pipes, and twine. It shouldn’t work, but does.
2Makes a sound like a baby crying instead of a gunshot.
3Is primitive for the setting.
4Is advanced for the setting.
5Shoots something other than bullets. Wasps, hard fungal pods, icicles, etc.
6Will explode the first time he tries to fire it. It’s been deliberately sabotaged.
7Is a rifle with a stock of aromatic hardwood.
8Is engraved with scenes of hell and torment.
9Will always hit someone who’s injured him first.
10Produces an obscuring, unnatural cloud of smoke each time it’s fired.
11Can bend the arc of its bullets around shields and cover.
12Kills something every time it’s fired. If it doesn’t hit the person it’s shot at, it might kill a fly on the wall, or its wielder if they fumble.
13Is entirely normal. So normal that no one will think anything’s amiss with you brandishing it until you fire it.
14Is actually a very compact crossbow.
15Is powered by a tightly coiled spring which must be rewound between shots.
16Causes the corpses of those it kills to grow more bullets in putrescence cysts.
17Can only be fired by someone who ties a lock of their hair around its trigger.
18Is filled with blanks.
19Is a cunningly disguises magic wand.
20Is a custom-made revolver, with way more than six bullets in its oversized cylinder.
D20This man came in through the door:
1Silently, suddenly, without anyone noticing and maybe without even opening the door.
2Growling, kicking it open.
3Meekly, with grovelling politeness.
4Drunkenly, stumbling.
5Panicked, sweating, wide-eyed.
6Coldly focused, steady-handed.
7Bellowing with berserker rage.
8Disguised as someone else.
9Panting, exhausted, near-delirious from lack of sleep.
10Accompanied by two burly companions, all full of mirth and potential for violence.
11Dead-eyed, ready to kill and be killed.
12Weeping, apologizing, but not hesitating to shoot.
13On the edge of death, blood soaking the floor.
14Preceded by a big, baying hound.
15Followed closely by a woman with a knife.
16Holding their gun to their head with one hand, desperately dragging it away with the other.
17Musing whimsically about philosophy. Mostly the ethics of killing and existential despair.
18Sleepwalking, mumbling.
19Coldly hateful towards a single person in the room, willing to spare others if they stay out of the way.
20Distracted, unsure, swearing up a storm.
D20The door this man comes in through:
1Is made of rough, unseasoned wood, shrunken smaller than the frame it’s set in.
2Has been painted with a scaled pattern. Its handle is shaped like a snake.
3Is a floor-to-ceiling mirror.
4Was a trapdoor on the floor.
5Is decorated with a porcelain mosaic of dolphins frolicking among waves.
6Is stately mahogany with a brass knob.
7Is paper stretched across a bamboo frame.
8Has a handle that’s a tongue in the mouth of a laughing iron face.
9Has broken hinges, and falls down as it’s opened.
10Was hidden behind a painting.
11Was the one you used to enter room.
12Is a solid plate of smoky quartz.
13Is abnormally small for someone of reasonable human size.
14Is stained with mold.
15Has a rusty knob and hinges, creaks obnoxiously every time it’s touched.
16Is crudely carved with domestic scenes.
17Is more of a beaded rattan mat dangling from the frame.
18Is made to look like a living tree. Leaves brush the top of its frame and roots drag on the floor as it’s opened.
19Sparkles with imitation jewels.
20Wasn’t there a moment ago.
D20In this man’s pocket is:
1A travel-sized bible with conspiratorial notes in the margins linking passages to contemporary events.
2A handful of spent bullets from a gun different than the one they’re carrying.
3A ring of twisted brambles and dried flower petals.
4A burlap mask with too many eyeholes cut into it.
5A childish drawing of what might be a wolf.
6Two tickets to an opera.
7A broken pearl necklace, cracked pearls falling off the wire.
8Gold coins from a country that doesn’t exist, minted with the face of Atlantis’s philosopher-king or Prester John or whoever else.
9Moldy cheese and crumbling stale crackers.
10A black bishop with a removable top. Inside is a capsule of cyanide.
11A severed finger with a wedding ring still on its base.
12A long knife with three names carved into the hilt, two scratched out, the one remaining yours.
13A pamphlet of revolutionary literature.
14A bloodstained page of sheet music any trained musician could decipher to reveal a coded message.
15A map of the area with extensive underground tunnels shown.
16A grinning rat that flees at the first opportunity.
17A moth’s chrysalis.
18The calling card of a regional noble.
19A dented harmonica.
20A flask of stiff liquor, spiked with something stranger.

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