Tuesday, September 20, 2022

D6x6 Wiggly Wyms

I like to imagine that if dragons are like Mr. Brady then wyrms are like Homer Simpson.

D6What even are wyrms?
1The clutch of Eden’s serpent, bloated with rancid potency from the fallen Fruit of Life.
2Dragons who have committed the most grievous crimes their kind is capable of, and so been punished by the severance of their limbs and casting into the earth.
3Leviathanic living war machines bred by some forgotten demigod when the stars were young.
4Wizards’ towers that have been tipped over, the melange of mystic reagents mixed in their guts transforming them into living monsters.
5Ascended masters of a cult that worships serpentine deities.
6A lonely branch of the annelid phylum, grown strange and immense in the subterrene vaults beyond the reach of light and enlightened reason.
D6This wyrm has
1a floppy crest like a deflated rooster's.
2fangs that curve the wrong way, peeling its lips back from its mouth.
3a smattering of ingrown and swollen scales.
4a hole-ridden fleshy sail along the spines down its back.
5a dinky, spiky rattle on the tip of its tail.
6milky-cataract eyes with pale shapes wriggling within them.
D6This wyrm wants
1the roc that’s been eyeing it hungrily when it’s surfaced to be taken care of.
2adequate tribute to be secured from the aristocratic family that’s put the wyrm on its coat of arms.
3a song about its defeat at the hands of a legendary hero to be overtaken in popularity by a song about a victory of its own.
4to woo a prince or princess, but it lacks the personal charm to pull that off by itself.
5to figure out what sort of treasures it can actually be bothered to hoard.
6to surveil the world fron a grand perspective, whether suspended from a blimp or whatever else.
D6This wyrm’s poison
1is contained in its drool, and corrodes metals it touches into leaden slag, including iron in blood.
2seeps into its breath, and petrifies the lungs of those who inhale it.
3is mixed with its bile and vomited onto its enemies, keeping victims alive and in agony well past the point they should've died, and allowing the wyrm to resculpt their flesh.
4flows through its body, infused into its blood, and induces catastrophic, prophetic visions in those who absorb it through their skin.
5is concentrated in its droppings and afflicts the flies that eat them, turning them into heat-seeking bags of exploding gas.
6can be radiated out by its glare, and renders victims exceptionally sensitive to temperature, causing them to blister near a candle-flame and shiver in a breeze.
D6This wyrm’s personality
1is phlegmatic - it’s contemplative and slimy.
2is sanguine - it's awkwardly flirtatious and prone to flighty passions.
3is melancholic - it’s prone to misery at the slightest obstacle, and loves to make miserable company.
4is choleric - it’s spicy, provocative and easy to provoke.
5is ectoplasmic - it’s cryptic, morbid, and obsessed with mysteries, riddles, and the occult.
6is osseous - it's brittle and bare.
D6This wyrm's lair
1was painstakingly licked out by it from a cave of giant salt crystals.
2is an ancient city that collapsed underground after exhausting the aquifer it was built on - helped along by the wyrm's burrowing.
3is in the guts of a mummified titan.
4is old bootlegger tunnels it reclaimed.
5is an abandoned harbourside warehouse of a failed merchant company, its goods sparse and moldering.
6lies under the open sky, a squiggly petroglylh of chalk trails in the dust.

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