Saturday, September 10, 2022

D6x6x(Some Other Number) Arcane Axes

Click the button below for your very own axe (magical):

Special thanks to Betty Bacontime for the generator generator:


This axe is [axetype], and it has [axehas].<br>This axe's name is [axename].<br>This axe leaves [axeleaves].<br>This axe was forged [axeforged].<br>This axe is destined [axedestined].<br>If this axe's destiny is avoided for too long, [axeavoid].

a doloire
a nzappa zap
a francisca
a parashu
a labrys
a hatchet

a head shaped like a snarling beast
a haft wrapped in scarlet silk ribbons
a low growl about it that rumbles the bones when held
anything reflected in its metal shown as ruined and scorched
a wavy spike jutting from its eye
sharp talons on its knob

The {Wound-Plough|Crow-Feeder|Raven-Friend|Only Honest Tongue|Feller of Steel Forests|Orphan-Maker|Spiteful Lover|Coffin Closer}

wounds that speak and boast of its bearer's deeds
the hand that wields it forevermore stained a vivid red
trails of forge-sparks like fireflies in its wake
all those who've laid eyes on it incapable of making music for a day and a night. Songbirds caw like crows, bards croak
the skeletons of its slain victims slowly warping into bony, brambly bushes
the pain of its bite fresh in the minds of its victims. Should they survive encountering the axe only to witness it again, their old wounds will cry out anew

in the pooled light of a blood moon, in otherwise total darkness
by a trio of oracles, one blind, one deaf, and one mute
in the flows of an erupting volcano
cold in the ashes of a city put to the torch
by the drowned dead in the black fire of an abyssal smoker
by an orphan and a widow whose family three generations over was stolen from her by war

to be wielded in a duel by its bearer to kill or be killed by their father or son
to one day sever all the hands that ever held it
to be used in a crime that will get its wielder declared a pariah, outlawed and exiled
to cleave the chains keeping a great beast from ravaging the world
to be wielded by a warlord to carve out a new order from the old
to part a crowned head from royal shoulders

a storm will gather and strengthen around it until the earth is burned, flooded, and flattened, and the axe is flung to distant parts
joy will fade from its bearer's life, except when they receive a drug-like rush for killing with it
their flesh will stiffen until they're rendered motionless and become a tree rooted to the spot
it will curse its bearer with cowardice, and sever their Achilles tendon when next they flee
it will appear in the dreams of vicious sorts, calling to them like flame to moths
a crimson caul will fall around it, bringing strife and violent madness

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