Saturday, December 30, 2023

D6x6 Tawdry Tabaxi

Click the button below to get your tabaxi:

Special thanks to Spwack for the generator generator here:

D6This tabaxi’s fur
1is tawny and spotted black.
2is fluffy and ginger.
3is non-existent - they're bald and wrinkled like a cold scrotum.
4is a glossy black.
5has a calico pattern.
6is dense and blue-grey.
D6This tabaxi carries
1a sharp-toothed hairbrush carved from whale ivory.
2talismans made from the bodies of small animals they've killed.
3a bundle of string to entertain themself when idle.
4a wax paper parasol painted with fractal flower patterns, to keep the rain off.
5a silver toothpick topped with a tiny gem.
6a little jar of anchovies, as a snack.
D6This tabaxi has found their vocation as
1a dealer of catnip, silvervine, and even a few other drugs that appeal to non-felines.
2a quite literal cat-burglar.
3a hunter who trades in unusual meats and pelts.
4a courier who can scale buildings and leap the gaps between rooftops as easily as walking a pedestrian street.
5a rat-catcher and general vermin-exterminator.
6a therapist and masseuse.
D6This tabaxi is
1skittish, prone to glancing about and fleeing at the first provocation.
2imperious, proud and commanding.
3gluttonous, always stuffing their face.
4contemplative, slipping into philosophical musings if distracted.
5sly, seeking to get one over on others.
6imaginative, prone to flights of fancy and taking creative approaches even when the tried-and-true approach could be better.
D6This tabaxi wears
1a rough felt choker they scratch to relieve stress.
2a voluminous toga with many pockets hidden within.
3minuscule bells on the ends of their whiskers.
4a claw-tipped glove on one hand - they lost their own claws there in an accident.
5a row of ribbons on their tail.
6a pair of tinted spectacles that reduce the strain of bright light on their eyes.
D6Breaking with stereotypes, this tabaxi in fact
1loves swimming, and never goes out unbathed or -perfumed.
2is a near-insomniac, and works away all their waking hours.
3is terribly frightened by birds.
4is gregarious and enjoys chatting up new people.
5tends to land face-first from falls rather than anything graceful.
6is a total dog person, and trains them as a side business.

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