Friday, May 10, 2024

D6x6 Alien Warrior Species

In real life the concept of a "warrior race" is Bad, False, and Racist. Do not, under any circumstances, kidnap Samoans, Russians, Russo-Samoans, etc., and force them to breed in your secret island enclave, teaching them martial arts and culling the weak. Do not do this for many generations. It would be problematic. You would NOT become the greatest eugenicist-warlord since Yakub.

No, this generator is not about creating a race of Russo-Samoan warrior babies. It is an homage to klingons and krogans and suchlike. Please forward any and all complaints to my sensitivity reader.

Special thanks to friends of the blog Phlox & deus ex parabola for help brainstorming this post, and to Spwack for making the generator generator here:

Click the button below to generate your alien warrior species:

Of the same tableated sci-fi universe as these generators:

D20x5 Space Marines

D6x6 Xeno-Swarms

D6x6 Rebellious Robots

D6x6 Alien Parasites

D6 This alien species resembles
1 perpetually-collapsing tensegrity sculptures of twirling black blades bound together by spool-wound white sinews.
2 wrinkly tardigrade-hydras, circular and toothsome throats peeking from armoured hoods.
3 mineral-streaked boulders carried by lumbering claws, irregular eyes peeking through cracks.
4 a ribcage made up of scaly fingers tipped with martini-glasses of tendrils.
5 articulated chess pieces or crenellated towers, rings of muscle within tall segments of colourful shell topped by marvellous crests - they've got a single wide, muscular foot at their base they can slide around on, or produce a cushion of air beneath like a hovercraft to "sprint".
6 blimps bound and squeezed into a hexapodal form, covered in gasping pores - their muscular and circulatory systems are pneumatic - a hardened undercarriage houses their more vital organs.
D6 This alien species is often thought of as warriors 
1 because they co-evolved with a predator species of aggressive mimics - as a result their in-group/out-group reactions are amped up compared to humans, and they maintain a plethora of shibboleths and other social tests and react poorly, often violently to those who try to win them over improperly.
2 because they are the descendants of a group of gladiators who fell in love with each other and fought their way off of a precursor colosseum-planet Band of Thebes-style, stealing biotechnology on their way out to create hybrid children with each other.
3 because their first, second, and third contacts with other aliens species went poorly for them due to them being overly-trusting, so they default to a more cynical, aggressive approach nowadays.
4 because due to the vagaries of evolution they are on average much bigger and stronger than other species they've encountered, though this is not much of an advantage on technologically-advanced battlefields.
5 because, in their pre-contact days, they anticipated a galaxy under a dark forest scenario, and so modified themselves en masse to be more capable of and inclined to violence.
6 because many of them adhere to a religion that praises conversion by the sword.
D6 This alien species' signature weapon
1 is a complex megaphone which amplifies and phases-up the sound of their poetic insults to lethal levels.
2 is a combined miniature chemical plant and pneumatic launcher, which can rapidly whip up and output pellets of explosives, incendiaries, potent corrosives, nerve agents, and suchlike.
3 is something like a sword, though with more angles and edges than is really practical. Most often used symbolically.
4 is a gun which fires a stream of magnetically-guided nano-particles which denature proteins on contact, reducing living things to slop.
5 is an array of lasers that coordinate to cut their enemies into neat cubes or other fun shapes.
6 is a sort of telescoping exo-frame that exponentially magnifies the force they can output.
D6 This alien species' greatest victory recorded in general history 
1 was against their very gods in the distant past, so they claim, though other species say this was merely a delegation sent to uplift them.
2 was a Pyrrhic one, a fleet engagement with a far more advanced enemy around an unstable star, which they managed to drag out long enough for the star to explode and wipe out both sides.
3 was when a conquering warlord at last united them after a century of strife.
4 was when they were able to repel a paradoxical monster back into the darkness of intergalactic space, after all others had fled.
5 was a daring raid deep into territory controlled by an enemy empire, which assaulted that empire's throne-world and decapitated their leadership in an instant.
6 was of a commando unit getting trapped on an enemy planet, and essentially re-inventing an industrial base to take over that planet.
D6 Others might say of this alien species: "Perhaps some of us could learn from these so-called barbarians" because
1 they abhor lying and the breaking of oaths - both capital offences in their society.
2 they avoid decadence - drugs, luxuries, indolence, and suchlike.
3 many of them are willing to die in defense of the weak, and give their lives in service to the poor.
4 their delicious cuisine is broadly appealing to many species.
5 they're dedicated environmentalists, and take pains to preserve wilderness and animal lives on planets they've invaded.
6 they take aesthetics seriously, and can express beauty even in violence.
D6 This alien species practices the funeral ritual 
1 if the dead has been killed by another of making their remains into weapons with which a blood feud will be pursued.
2 of exchanging the remains of their dead with other families to be consumed and so cement bonds, performing a similar function to marriage.
3 of freeze-drying the dead, crumbling them to dust, then incorporating this dust into the foundations of buildings.
4 of interring their mummified dead in grand barges in orbit around their homeworld's sun - when a barge's catacombs are filled it spreads its solar sails and descends into the sun to be immolated.
5 of a process like plastination, only using metal to preserve the dead as sculptures.
6 of public dissection and making art out of the causes of death.


  1. I really like the idea of a warrior species being considered a good thing. I've liked the posts that think of humans as a warrior species. I mean if there are horrible monsters in the black reaches of the cosmos, you gotta have knights willing to stand strong against the oncoming night

  2. Your alien designs are always so fucking good, man.
