Friday, June 10, 2022

D6x6 Xeno-Swarms, Such As Might Be Found In The Zerg, Tyranids, Flood, And The Like

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D6This xeno-swarm originated 
1 as escapees from an experimental super-soldier program meant to create warriors who could repopulate and resupply themselves anywhere.
2 as a natural species that evolved on a planet with such harsh conditions that only the most extreme creatures could survive.
3 as an attempt to synthesize a genetic code that scientists interpreted in the cipher of the cosmic background radiation.
4 as bioweapons laced as living minefields by a defeated and retreating galactic empire to deny their lost territories to all others.
5 as a decadent sect of a precursor civilization which decided that the only delight left for them to experience would be to become feral beasts.
6as a species that shared a hive-mind, and so also shared the psychic trauma that mutilated their hive-mind and turned them into what they are now.

D6This xeno-swarm's appearance
1 is reminescent of naked mole-rats, wriggling piles of pink flesh with folds in skin parting to reveal toothsome maws and devilish appendages.
2 is the inverse of Geiger-esque. They sort of resemble plushies, and might be cute if they weren't trying to tear you apart.
3 is gelatinous and ever-shifting, each organism of the swarm itself composed of a zoogleal colony of sub-organisms that can swap to the role of any other sub-organism like stem cells.
4 combines features of crocodiles, sharks, ants, and just about every other hundreds-of-millions-of-years-strong survivor.
5 is that of a Cambrian explosion menagerie, a parade of bizarre, unintuitive body plans.
6is disturbingly similar to crabs, revealing the terrible universality of carcinization.

D6This xeno-swarm is greatly feared
1 for its ability to spawn kaiju that by conventional understanding of biomechanics should collapse under their own weight.
2 for its ability to subvert people into its agents by chemical and surgical means, like a much more complex version of those wasps that hijack cockroaches.
3 for its adaptability, quickly generating new organisms to respond to any new environment or threat.
4 for its strategy and coordination, every component organism able to act in perfect concert with every other.
5 for its hyper-corrosive venom that can melt through flesh and metal alike, and which its creatures can spit with great range and accuracy.
6for its smallest component organisms, which gather in gargantuan swarms and can strip cities bare of life in hours.

D6This xeno-swarm spreads 
1 by infesting hosts as a parasite and mutating them from within.
2 like a weed, sending its roots deep throughout a world and periodically blooming out a horde from that network.
3 by chewing through hyperspace like rats through drywall, creating interplanetary tunnels and occasionally collapsing the foundations of local space-time.
4 like interstellar burs, hitching a ride on other species' spaceships.
5 by not really spreading at all. In fact, it's already present on countless worlds, and only appears to spread when these dormant nests are awoken.
6through meteorite-spores they launch en masse into the void.

D6This xeno-swarm’s weakness 
1 is that its higher thinking is outsourced to certain cerebral organisms. Take those out, and the rest of the swarm in the vicinity will go catatonic or go on an indiscriminate rampage.
2 is that despite appearances all its organisms are biologically very similar, and so the swarm is susceptible to infectious diseases.
3 is that it struggles to comprehend technology. Even just opening a door instead of needing to smash it open can be a crapshoot for its organisms.
4 is that with the right pheromonal or ultra-sonic signal they can be lured wherever you want them.
5 is its tremendous hunger. If not able to secure new food supplies for itself the swarm will swiftly resort to auto-cannibalism.
6is that it possesses an animalistic wariness around fire.

D6A proposed solution to this xeno-swarm 
1 is to upload all sapient lifeforms into robot bodies or simulated realities and wipe everthing else out to deprive the swarm of sustenance.
2 is to hybridize other life with the xeno-swarm so they wouldn't be seen as prey.
3 is to create another, even deadlier xeno-swarm that's programmed to predate it.
4 is to create totally sealed and surveilled habitats that the swarm couldn't hope to infiltrate.
5 is to create a Judas-organism that would destroy the swarm from within.
6is to initiate a program of universal drilling and augmentation so that every individual outside the swarm is more than a match for any organisms within it.

1 comment:

  1. This one and the previous go together quite well. Games Workshop should pay attention lol.
