Saturday, June 11, 2022

D20 Reasons Why This Flying Castle/Mountain/Etc. Is In The Sky, Though By Common Sense It Should Not Be

1. It is carried aloft by the Simurgh's flock on three-score beating wings.

2. It is tied to a great big balloon which eclipses the sun and most of the rest of the sky.

3. The earth has rejected it and it has nowhere else to go.

4. It's caught in the slow, broken tractor beam of a wrecked extraterrestrial craft in orbit.

5. It's being held as collateral in a bargain by a tempestous cell of air elementals.

6. Someone spilled a barrel of proprietary flying ointment on it and a coven of witches are very unhappy about that.

7. It contains magnetically-anomalous ores that suspend it in the planet's magnetosphere.

8. It's attached to innumerable kites catching the wind.

9. It's held up by an invisible giant.

10. It's captured enough dew to bear it up as the droplets return to the moon.

11. It's infested by buoyant slime-molds which rise to a high point to sporulate as the final stage of their life-cycle.

12. It's covered in windmills, which are linked to an enchanted engine that converts their angular momentum to upwards linear momentum.

13. It's been frozen in spatio-temporal stasis after being flung into the air by a volcanic eruption.

14. Sky-pirates are abducting it with gossamer hooks.

15. Lots of rockets, strapped on haphazardly.

16. It contains a portal to another dimension, and has its foundation upon the ground there.

17. A sort of aerial Charybdis tried sucking the place up into its maw, but ended up choking on it.

18. A mathemagician has made their lair there, and altered its coordinates to place it in the sky.

19. It's made of a porous sort of stone with many internal bubbles of hydrogen, making it lighter-than-air, and very explosive.

20. It's an artifact surviving from a pre-gravitic universe, and so does not recognize gravity's dragging tyranny.

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